buddy, can you spare a lawsuit?
Originally posted by Hank Chinaski
got your interogatory answers today in the Old Lady Wilson case bob- we had a good laugh!
you claim Pig's didn't have a motor oil spill in the canned goods aisle. "I t was sausage gravy, which is a ct ually le ss slippery than the floor without any foreign materials. the sausage gravy would actually add traction."
Here's the problem: The photo shows. dark brown , and this isn't Georgia. We use white sausage gravy here Bob. do you think the jury won't know?
and you won't admit the motor oil on her shoes was from P ig's floor be cause o f foundation? She had to wear something home, and I only had them in my office for 2 weeks. ever hear of p rofessional courte sy?
geez, talk about churning the file.
Racist fuck.
Last edited by notcasesensitive; 04-23-2004 at 05:52 PM..