Originally posted by sgtclub
I went quiet because you are taking the absurd position that KPMG is not an indepent party. As I posted last week, KPMG is in possession of non-Chalabi sourced documents, but you asserted that they (KPMG) were tainted.
I was googling to see if KPMG really had non-Chalabi documents, and lo and behold I found this:
Negotiations between the CPA and KPMG in relation to the CPA tender process were ended yesterday morning (12 May 2004) because agreement could not be reached on how KPMG could receive legal protection appropriate to investigations of this nature.
KPMG is disappointed that it is currently unable to continue this important work.
Apparently Ernst & Young has been hired to retrace KPMG's steps, and according to this
article some Repubs don't like it one bit:
"We have serious reservations about the way the investigation [into corruption] is being handled and are awaiting the answer to a range of questions we have put to the Bush administration," Christopher Shays, a Republican Congressman from Connecticut said.
In a letter to President Bush this month, Mr Shays expressed deep concern over the "apparent conflict between the coalition provisional authority (CPA) and the Iraqi governing council over the exercise of audit authority".
Unnamed sources say all of this stems from a growing animosity between Bremer and Our Friend Ahmed.