Originally posted by ThurgreedMarshall
Ah. Classic switch-em-up. Never fails.
You weren't talking about strip clubs being sexist. You were talking about how a woman should react to her husband who goes to a strip club. TM
Ah, classic "but it's just totally different in my case!" no-argument response.
It honestly never occurred to me that I would have to explictly say "I think strip clubs are sexist." What is this, fucking 1960 that the idea is a shock to anyone? And how a woman reacts to her husband going to a strip club obviously depends at least in part on her opinion on certain gender issues. I made my personal opinion clear, but also explicitly said "each to em's own"--so how that's imposing my own values on everyone else is beyond me.
I stand by my observation that lots of folks have a double-standard of what sexuality-related conduct they'd tolerate in themselves vs. their partner. Lots don't, that's great. But to deny it exists in some cases is just flat-out ridiculous.