Oh puhleeze! JFKerry is the world’s greatest flipflopping phoney. Of course he came out and did the politically expedient thing because he had no choice but to or look like a total piece of hamsterpoop. Even the peanut farmer was able to break himself away from his pattern of treasonous statements to get some nice words from a speechwriter so he could regurgitate them to the leftist media.
What I would have liked to see is for JFKerry to actually stand up and explicate what it is he has learned from Reagan about leading God’s shining city on the hill and how he would expand on Reagan’s legacy and efforts. Of course, in reality, he learned nothing and will only seek to urinate on Reagan’s policies and legacy if elected.
I beseech this nation to put aside their grief and channel their remembrances of this great man into a reflection on the stark lessons of his legacy and the coincidental 60th anniversary of D-Day and what it all means to us today. We face a dramatic choice in several months that probably will decide if America survives or instead the reign of Satan on earth comes to pass.
Vote for JFKerry and move us toward a period of pessismistic malaise that plays out as our surrender to the enemy.
Vote for W and vote for life, freedom, liberty and honor Reagan’s leadership and legacy. Its our choice but let me note, for the record, that if JFKerry is elected, the liberals ought not to complain when their Islamofacist overlords decree that Arabic is the national language of these United States. Unless of course the Red Chinese beat them to us.