Originally posted by Replaced_Texan
So the Republicans met in their state convention last week, and on Friday, they approved the platform. Some highlights:
- Denouncement of "any unconstitutional act of judicial tyranny that would demand removal of the words 'One Nation Under God' from the Pledge of Allegiance."
- Support for adoption of "American English" as the official language of Texas and the United States.
- Restoration of plaques honoring the Confederate Widow's Pension Fund contribution that were removed from the Texas Supreme Court and other state buildings.
1. "unconstituional act of judical tyranny"? Damn, guys, chill out.
2. If English was good enough for Jesus, it's good enough for the children of Texas.
3. What's this about? Were the plaques really offensive? I mean, I understand their husbands fought for the wrong side and all, but we're talking widows here. And they're all dead anyway.