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Old 09-12-2006, 05:46 PM   #2836
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Originally posted by SEC_Chick
and I no longer get sick to my stomach on Sunday nights or wish to get in a car wreck on the way to work so that I don't have to go.
Merde, please tell me I am not all alone in these feelings now........ :sobbing:
Since I'm a righteous man, I don't eat ham;
I wish more people was alive like me

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Old 09-12-2006, 05:46 PM   #2837
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Originally posted by patentparanyc
sure it does. assuming she had kids at the time why would she do that to them? if she didn't whatever.
2, AV.
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Old 09-12-2006, 05:46 PM   #2838
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A Modest Proposal

Originally posted by Pretty Little Flower
The FSC line up has kind of been sucking recently, except for the weekend. Last Wednesday night, instead of getting a replay of France-Italy, we get Germany-San Marino. 13-0 Germany, in case you missed it. Yes, 13. Here is a link to a link to FSC's line up. Tomorrow night? Women's college soccer!
Women's College Soccer made Sports Center's top 10 plays recently. It took four seconds for UNC to score on Yale (doh!) The goalie was a bit out of position and couldn't stop the half-court shot on the opening face-off (or whatever they call it). Pretty impressive, actually.
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Old 09-12-2006, 05:47 PM   #2839
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Originally posted by nononono
Divorce doesn't change mother-ness.
Yes, but it seemed like she was saying the hand that rocks the cradle rules whatever domain is in question, and if she was totally in charge and got whatever she wanted, why would she need the divorce?

[I know, lots of reasons -- it just seemed like given the topic and the fact that she didn't want to have husband around, saying that the stay-at-home parent controls more than the working-for-the-money parent seemed . . . silly.]
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Old 09-12-2006, 05:47 PM   #2840
Tyrone Slothrop
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Originally posted by ThurgreedMarshall
I think Bledsoe would rather have a 2 year guaranteed contract worth $30 million than a sham five year $75 million one that could leave him open to constant renegotiation and termination at any point after the ink dries.
Maybe the way the salary cap rules are set up make the Cowboys want to have the ability to cut him. Dunno.

That sounds like a chapter in the book I can't wait to read.
Well, get on with it. Then come back and give us a report on it.
“It was fortunate that so few men acted according to moral principle, because it was so easy to get principles wrong, and a determined person acting on mistaken principles could really do some damage." - Larissa MacFarquhar
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Old 09-12-2006, 05:48 PM   #2841
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"You're young and you got your health. What do you want with a job?"

Originally posted by ironweed
With no wife or kids, why would I work? The van is all paid off.
Child support based on your earning potential?
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Old 09-12-2006, 05:49 PM   #2842
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"You're young and you got your health. What do you want with a job?"

Originally posted by ltl/fb
Child support based on your earning potential?
Oh fringey, you're always bringing reality into everything. Must you rain on poor sinewy weed's fantasy parade?
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Old 09-12-2006, 05:49 PM   #2843
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Originally posted by patentparanyc
I take no issue with staying at home my husband does and the kids are doing so well. It is an admirable job and the kids benefit greatly.

I take issue with your "shock and surprise" that I'm not all like coveting your situation and all jealous. frankly, I could care less. It ain't the ideal situation but no ones is but it is yours. so go with that. don't look for reassurance from the board.
Generally, as a rule, you should only put something in quotation marks when you are quoting something someone said. I never said I felt shock or surprise.

You are the one who has constantly made my "situation" (see how that's done?) an issue by constantly referring to me as a "bored housewife".

That you would suggest that someone not see reassurance from the board is laughable. But I assure you, I do not.
Always game for a little hand-to-hand chainsaw combat.
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Old 09-12-2006, 05:49 PM   #2844
Did you just call me Coltrane?
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Originally posted by Sidd Finch
Fuck that. Coltrane, if you're really unhappy and have been so for awhile (I say this because I don't remember you being all that bitter), then start planning your exit strategy. Don't think about "hanging in there," think about getting out. No magic transformation is going to suddenly start making you love it x years down the line.
I know. We get our bonuses at the end of December, and they are, relatively speaking, larger than average (to make up for the below-average salary). I need to suck it up for four months, plan an exit and be out by early 2007.
No no no, that's not gonna help. That's not gonna help and I'll tell you why: It doesn't unbang your Mom.
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Old 09-12-2006, 05:49 PM   #2845
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Originally posted by ltl/fb
Yes, but it seemed like she was saying the hand that rocks the cradle rules whatever domain is in question, and if she was totally in charge and got whatever she wanted, why would she need the divorce?

[I know, lots of reasons -- it just seemed like given the topic and the fact that she didn't want to have husband around, saying that the stay-at-home parent controls more than the working-for-the-money parent seemed . . . silly.]
YOu know what? I agree with fringe here. lots of people get divorced. some are stay at home moms that have been out of the work force a long time. Perhaps the JD helps cushion that but 8 years or so out is still 8 years.

Like I might have mentioned I took the train one night with this older attractive woman who told her tale of woe--she was selling makeup out of her home in Chappaqua since her CEO hubby dumped her for a younger woman. It HAPPENS. don't deny it. in fact it happens a lot.
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Old 09-12-2006, 05:50 PM   #2846
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Originally posted by patentparanyc
sure it does. assuming she had kids at the time why would she do that to them? if she didn't whatever.
Okay, rewind. She quoted Wallace saying, "the hand that rocks the cradle," etc. The point of the poem was the power that motherhood holds. Okay? So let's stick with that instead of leaping onto some other way of trying to rip into other people's lives, shall we?

But to your (new) point, you're out of your fucking mind. Divorce does not change the role a mother plays in children's lives, number one. Number two, you're fucking naive and either completely obnoxious or completely obtuse to talk about divorce as necessarily "doing something" to the children. I'm not going to waste much more time (famous last words) explaining to you how these things can go down, except to say that you have no clue (I presume) about the ins and outs of another person's marriage and the reasons for opting to end it. Plenty of people, by the way, would say you're "doing something" to your children by not staying at home with them. You agree?
Why was I born with such contemporaries?
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Old 09-12-2006, 05:50 PM   #2847
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Originally posted by Mmmm, Burger (C.J.)
They also seem to want to take the risk. Why don't they buy a massively expensive insurance policy with the huge bonus, that pays if their career ends? Apparently they like the risk or are willing to take it.
I think Brian Bosworth did this.
"More than two decades later, it is hard to imagine the Revolutionary War coming out any other way."
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Old 09-12-2006, 05:51 PM   #2848
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Originally posted by nononono
Okay, rewind. She quoted Wallace saying, "the hand that rocks the cradle," etc. The point of the poem was the power that motherhood holds. Okay? So let's stick with that instead of leaping onto some other way of trying to rip into other people's lives, shall we?

But to your (new) point, you're out of your fucking mind. Divorce does not change the role a mother plays in children's lives, number one. Number two, you're fucking naive and either completely obnoxious or completely obtuse to talk about divorce as necessarily "doing something" to the children. I'm not going to waste much more time (famous last words) explaining to you how these things can go down, except to say that you have no clue (I presume) about the ins and outs of another person's marriage and the reasons for opting to end it. Plenty of people, by the way, would say you're "doing something" to your children by not staying at home with them. You agree?
MY husband is at home SHORT BUS
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Old 09-12-2006, 05:51 PM   #2849
Pretty Little Flower
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A Modest Proposal

Originally posted by ironweed
"US League Soccer"? What the fuck is that?
Minnesota Thunder, baby!
Inside every man lives the seed of a flower.
If he looks within he finds beauty and power.

I am not sorry.
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Old 09-12-2006, 05:52 PM   #2850
Hank Chinaski
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Originally posted by Did you just call me Coltrane?
I know. We get our bonuses at the end of December, and they are, relatively speaking, larger than average (to make up for the below-average salary). I need to suck it up for four months, plan an exit and be out by early 2007.
you need to go read my post, follow my advice and you could be in the driver's seat by early 2007.
I will not suffer a fool- but I do seem to read a lot of their posts
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