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Old 12-08-2004, 10:13 AM   #4921
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He's Just Not That Into You

Originally posted by SlaveNoMore
He emailed me and Plated a few times, as well.
Did you hook up?

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Old 12-08-2004, 10:15 AM   #4922
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Catching up

Originally posted by tmdiva
Re: flirting, uh, yeah, TM, I'll remember what you said next time we have coffee.
You're thinking of someone else. I don't drink coffee.

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Old 12-08-2004, 10:25 AM   #4923
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The Hap Happiest Time of the Year!

Originally posted by barely_legal
Ok, the holidays are coming up and I will be spending lots of time with my extended family, which means I will be spending lots of time huddled in a corner reading and pretending to be autistic (my cousins are very impressed that I managed to graduate law school even with my "challenge"). So, can anybody recommend some good books? Special bonus for books relating to the holiday season. I prefer mysteries but I'll read anything that's good.

Anyway, clearly I need something less intellectual to take my mind off of punctuation atrocities. Help a girl out.
I was just thinking of you -- Mrs. Not Bob and I saw "Sideways" over the weekend, and the protagonist is apparently a fan of barely legal.

Anyway, I know how much my you think of my book recommendations, so I have a couple for you. E/O recommended the Emperor of Ocean Park here a while ago, and I picked it up a few weeks ago when I had a deposition out of town. It's a great read -- even a know it all like me learned stuff while trying to figure out whodunnit.

Carl Hiiason's Skinny Dip is an amusing read. I guess it's technically a mystery, but it's mostly just fun.

John Grisham's Skipping Christmas is also a short, amusing read. Unfortunately, they turned it into what looks to be a moronic movie with Tim Allen.

I also enjoyed the Bill Clinton memoir. Your relatives will no doubt give you plenty of space if they see you reading that.
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Old 12-08-2004, 10:29 AM   #4924
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Anna who?

Originally posted by NotFromHere
So this isn't sequels?
That's not even a woman. Is it?
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Old 12-08-2004, 10:38 AM   #4925
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The Hap Happiest Time of the Year!

Originally posted by Not Bob
I was just thinking of you -- Mrs. Not Bob and I saw "Sideways" over the weekend, and the protagonist is apparently a fan of barely legal...

I also enjoyed the Bill Clinton memoir. Your relatives will no doubt give you plenty of space if they see you reading that.
Hey, everybody's a fan of barely legal. Except for my relatives if they saw me reading the Clinton Memoir. My immediate family owns, I would guess, at least twice as many firearms as the Bilmore clan. That's just not a risk I'm willing to take (my father almost cried when I admitted I voted for Kerry -- lucky for him I live in a red state and my vote was worthless).

oh, and thanks for the recommendations. I'll take a look at them.

ETA: thanks to gwnc too for her recommendation. I've already had 30 years of solitude so only 70 more to go -- woo hoo!

Last edited by barely_legal; 12-08-2004 at 10:40 AM..
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Old 12-08-2004, 10:47 AM   #4926
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The Hap Happiest Time of the Year!

Originally posted by barely_legal
Hey, everybody's a fan of barely legal. Except for my relatives if they saw me reading the Clinton Memoir. My immediate family owns, I would guess, at least twice as many firearms as the Bilmore clan. That's just not a risk I'm willing to take (my father almost cried when I admitted I voted for Kerry -- lucky for him I live in a red state and my vote was worthless).

oh, and thanks for the recommendations. I'll take a look at them.

ETA: thanks to gwnc too for her recommendation. I've already had 30 years of solitude so only 70 more to go -- woo hoo!
Not exactly Christmasy, but I really liked the Dante Club by Matthew Pearl. The Rule of Four is next, and my self-imposed book-buying moratorium has come to a spectacular end. I cannot say it was an overwhelming success, as there are still several dozen books sitting on various bookshelves in my house waiting to be read.
"In the olden days before the internet, you'd take this sort of person for a ride out into the woods and shoot them, as Darwin intended, before he could spawn."--Will the Vampire People Leave the Lobby? pg 79
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Old 12-08-2004, 10:50 AM   #4927
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Slater, Floyd and Wooderson sue

Apparently Dazed and Confused was not a true story

... 11 years after the movie came out -- the real Wooderson, Slater and Floyd are here, sitting at this long, shiny conference table in a Huntsville law office, looking older and less hairy and a bit peeved. They're explaining why they recently filed suit against their old high school acquaintance Richard Linklater, who made "Dazed and Confused" back in 1993, for "defamation" and "negligent infliction of emotional distress."

"Like, for example, the scene that shows me showing somebody how to make a bong in shop class," says Andy Slater, now 45. "I did not do that. I never did that. But they used my name and they show me making a bong in shop class."

Slater pauses for a second, then smiles. "I don't sit around the house making bongs -- dammit."

He laughs. So does Bobby Wooderson, 47. And Richard "Pink" Floyd, 46.

Andy Slater, left, Rick Floyd and Bobby Wooderson say the negative attention they still get irks them.
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Old 12-08-2004, 10:51 AM   #4928
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The Hap Happiest Time of the Year!

Originally posted by Replaced_Texan
Not exactly Christmasy, but I really liked the Dante Club by Matthew Pearl. The Rule of Four is next, and my self-imposed book-buying moratorium has come to a spectacular end. I cannot say it was an overwhelming success, as there are still several dozen books sitting on various bookshelves in my house waiting to be read.
I read The Rule of Four last summer. It's worth the read, but I'll warn you that it's very uneven. Some parts I was enthralled and thinking "this is ingenious!" and then two pages later I'd be thinking "what kind of assjack[s] would write this tripe?"
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Old 12-08-2004, 11:27 AM   #4929
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The Hap Happiest Time of the Year!

Originally posted by barely_legal
"what kind of assjack[s] would write this tripe?"
Board Killer!
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Old 12-08-2004, 11:34 AM   #4930
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Stripes are in

Martha Stewart could replace Donald Trump as the host of "The Apprentice." According to independent media analyst Jack Myers, Trump has indicated he will quit the hit reality show after its third season ends next year and that Stewart could take his seat in the boardroom.

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Old 12-08-2004, 11:35 AM   #4931
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The Hap Happiest Time of the Year!

Originally posted by robustpuppy
Board Killer!
Heh. You are funny when are regularly getting some. Do you think my posts would be funnier if I had a hot guy to have sex with on my new countertops?
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Old 12-08-2004, 11:51 AM   #4932
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Moving for another person

What level of committment do you need before you'd consider moving to another city for a person?

I think I'd be willing to move somewhere else in order to see whether or not something works even if it's just in the beginning stages. It would depend on whether or not there's even a hope of my finding a job in the other city, but assuming I could, I'm flexible enough these days to pick up and start over for someone. I'd have to think that there was a good chance of a long term relationship with the person I was moving for before I did it. I used to focus entirely on my job and career stuff instead of relationship stuff, but that focus has changed over the last few years. I wouldn't have moved for my last boyfriend, but maybe I would for the next.
"In the olden days before the internet, you'd take this sort of person for a ride out into the woods and shoot them, as Darwin intended, before he could spawn."--Will the Vampire People Leave the Lobby? pg 79
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Old 12-08-2004, 12:00 PM   #4933
Tyrone Slothrop
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The Hap Happiest Time of the Year!

Originally posted by barely_legal
So, can anybody recommend some good books? Special bonus for books relating to the holiday season.
Not a holiday book, but I recommend Jonathan Strange & Mr. Norrell, by Susanna Clarke. More stuff here. It's about two magicians in England in 1807. It's a big book, which I love, and well written.

“It was fortunate that so few men acted according to moral principle, because it was so easy to get principles wrong, and a determined person acting on mistaken principles could really do some damage." - Larissa MacFarquhar
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Old 12-08-2004, 12:03 PM   #4934
Did you just call me Coltrane?
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Anna who?

Originally posted by dtb
To having your approval, of course (which I so desperately crave).
If I approve of your stomach, will you approve of my grammar?
No no no, that's not gonna help. That's not gonna help and I'll tell you why: It doesn't unbang your Mom.
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Old 12-08-2004, 12:04 PM   #4935
Did you just call me Coltrane?
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Anna who?

Originally posted by ThurgreedMarshall

I think this looks pretty good:

I prefer just a teeny bit less definition, but it still looks good.
No no no, that's not gonna help. That's not gonna help and I'll tell you why: It doesn't unbang your Mom.
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