We are pleased to announce that Lawtalkers.com now has up-to-date salary information for most major legal markets across the United States, after a lot of hard coding work (by me) and data entry/spreadsheet work (by Replaced Texan, with modifications by me).
The data contained in the charts is taken from a salary booklet published by
The Affiliates. The methodology used to collect this data can be found by ordering a copy of the booklet from their website.
A few more caveats about our info:
- The info is city-specific data related to firm size. This information gives you an idea of the RANGE of salary you should expect.
- We will change the data in these charts when we do get enough firm-specific salary info to make them useful. Please send anonymous salary memos to info@lawtalkers.com.
- The average salary data we have compiled is for FIRST YEAR associates.
- If you need salary information for your level of experience, please go to specific regional threads on our site for salary charts or to The Affiliates and order their booklet or run a search on their website.
Now, without further delay, here they are:
The Lawtalkers Salary Charts
p.s. There's also a link to them in the main menu on your left.