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Old 09-11-2003, 03:46 PM   #22726
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Queer eye is offensive!

Originally posted by leagleaze
Oooh of course, it was a joke. During a discussion about homophobia. A statement about it being a choice.

Intended joke or not, it certainly was a gaffe.
Okay, so I need to be PC about this one subject then, right.

It's your board, I guess.
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Old 09-11-2003, 03:47 PM   #22727
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Queer eye is offensive!

Originally posted by bilmore
A foot in a mouth is usually the result of a gaffe.

I don't think a joke qualifies.

(Oh, that was YOUR ox . . . )

Then take your head out of your ass instead.
A wee dram a day!
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Old 09-11-2003, 03:48 PM   #22728
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You know....

Originally posted by bold_n_brazen
15 years ago, I was snorting a lot of coke, and probably keeping you up by chattering away, while you dozed off after smoking too much pot...
More likely she was sitting there in the midst of her pot buzz thinking how funny that you seemed to have so much to say, and wondering if you were ever going to turn the conversation to food-related topics.
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Old 09-11-2003, 03:49 PM   #22729
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Queer eye is offensive!

Originally posted by leagleaze
Oooh of course, it was a joke. During a discussion about homophobia. A statement about it being a choice.

Intended joke or not, it certainly was a gaffe.
Silly me. When you said it was a world you chose to enter, I assumed you meant academia, where any statement is offensive to somebody or other.
Old 09-11-2003, 03:51 PM   #22730
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You know....

Originally posted by bold_n_brazen
My analogy is simple. I may or may not wear fur. I may or may not think abortions are okay. But, either way, I don't think its my or anybody else's fucking call whether you wear fur or get abortions. It's a choice thing, and I think you're free to make one. (It's currently 86 degrees here, so I am not currently wearing fur, if you really want to know).

I sympathize on the chocolate craving thing. But I think Raisenettes are kind of gross so I don't eat them. I don't even think of them as chocolate. More as stuff I only see in movie theaters.

I stayed mostly out of the childbirth discussions because I had a c-section, which actually means I did it like they did it in the 40's except that I was awake...I experienced nothing gross at all and remained perfectly coiffed throughout. (I've got video and still photography if you want proof....nevermind)

15 years ago, I was snorting a lot of coke, and probably keeping you up by chattering away, while you dozed off after smoking too much pot...

Read me, ignore me....what do I care?

Good enough. There is some fresh brewed coffee on the left as you enter and the finger sandwiches come out at 4. Enjoy. Just be careful about Chevy. HE seems sweet and charming at first, and he is cute, but he has a wicked angry streak. Just loosen the asscot. Have fun!
Old 09-11-2003, 03:51 PM   #22731
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Queer eye is offensive!

Originally posted by Greedy,Greedy,Greedy
Then take your head out of your ass instead.
I searched all over for the avatar that says "take your silly little PC-centric closed mind and shove it up your ass", but I couldn't find it, so I will just use normal english and say, take your silly little PC-centric closed mind and shove it up your ass
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Old 09-11-2003, 03:52 PM   #22732
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And on another note...

Originally posted by Seven of Nine

So, the question becomes, who is hotter, Jolene Blalock or Jeri Ryan (during her prime, of course)? And, despite my nome de plume, I have no horse in this race.

And among the men, Kirk, Picard, Riker or Archer?

Jeri Ryan has the cuter face, and her implants are less "baloony."
For the guy - Connor Trinneer for sure. Archer has a pig nose.

fuck, the image doesn't work.

Last edited by NotFromHere; 09-11-2003 at 03:56 PM..
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Old 09-11-2003, 03:53 PM   #22733
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Queer eye is offensive!

Originally posted by bilmore
I searched all over for the avatar that says "take your silly little PC-centric closed mind and shove it up your ass", but I couldn't find it, so I will just use normal english and say, take your silly little PC-centric closed mind and shove it up your ass
Bilmore, it was a joke.

A wee dram a day!
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Old 09-11-2003, 03:53 PM   #22734
Seven of Nine
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You know....

Originally posted by bold_n_brazen

[Blah blah blah about raisinettes and other mindless drivel.]

Read me, ignore me....what do I care?


Damn, dude. You have 18 posts and what, one day of experience here on the FB, and already you're getting on my nerves.

What are you, Plated reincarnate?

Drop your shields and lower your weapons. It is useless to resist us. Your distinctiveness will be added to our own.
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Old 09-11-2003, 03:54 PM   #22735
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Queer eye is offensive!

Originally posted by Greedy,Greedy,Greedy
Bilmore, it was a joke.

Sorry, then. I was so taken aback at leagl's reaction, (pissed, actually), that it just sort of flowed . . .
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Old 09-11-2003, 03:55 PM   #22736
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Queer eye is offensive!

Originally posted by bilmore
Sorry, then. I was so taken aback at leagl's reaction, (pissed, actually), that it just sort of flowed . . .
Just don't forget my "honk". That one was well earned.
A wee dram a day!
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Old 09-11-2003, 03:56 PM   #22737
I didn't do it.
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Queer eye is offensive!

Originally posted by bilmore
Okay, so I need to be PC about this one subject then, right.

It's your board, I guess.
You don't need to be PC about anything. Make whatever jokes you want. Just as with anyone else however if I don't like it, I have the right to say something about it. I'm not going to refrain from calling you on something just because I'm an Admin, or even for that matter the Admin, why should I have any less freedom than you to engage in bitching?

I didn't see it as a joke, if I had, I probably would just have ignored it or made a joke back. Your timing, in my opinion, sucked. You can disagree, but kindly don't then suggest I stopped you from saying something because of my role here.

I shouldn't be limited from responding as a person to you because I run the board any more than you should be limited in what you joke about because I run it.

You don't need to not say something for fear of me saying something as an Admin, unless it has something to do directly with my role as an Admin. I've never censored anyone and in fact I resent the implication that I would.
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Old 09-11-2003, 03:58 PM   #22738
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Queer eye is offensive!

Originally posted by bilmore
Okay, so I need to be PC about this one subject then, right.

It's your board, I guess.
Actually, it's our board, yours, mine, Thurgreed's, Leagl's, and all the people I have on ignore.

The point is we all piss each other off from time to time. It's just fine to offend people, often the complaint by those raising the issue is to say, hey people can get offended by your comment. (See my boring-ass posts yesterday, excluding OUaTiM, which you should all check out this weekend.)
My enemies curse my name, but rave about my ass.
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Old 09-11-2003, 03:59 PM   #22739
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You know....

Originally posted by Seven of Nine

Damn, dude. You have 18 posts and what, one day of experience here on the FB, and already you're getting on my nerves.

What are you, Plated reincarnate?

First of all, it's Mrs. Dude to you.

Second of all, nah....nevermind.
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Old 09-11-2003, 04:01 PM   #22740
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I hope that you have prepared a masterpiece of a 1000th post. Something from the heart that truly conveys your sharp wit and clever turn of phrase. This is all to say, don't blow it.
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