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Old 02-27-2004, 01:12 PM   #2506
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It's sort of like watching a revolution start

Originally posted by Mmmm, Burger (C.J.)
Finally, let me make clear my views. I agree with you that it's not appropriate to issue the licenses in these circumstances. The path taken in Vt. and Mass. was far more respectable, and the appropriate one. But if you're asking me to work up indignation on a par with that reserved for other deviating officials about it, simply because the city officials aren't following the law, I'll have a hard time doing it. Because I don't see the great harm other than the taxpayers' bill for the overtime and extra paper. And having to see Rosie O'Donnel smug-ass mug all over the news last night.
I don't see the harm either if you limit your view of the harm to this particular case. But I do see a great and dangerous harm to the system as a whole and that is why I am excited about this issue.
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Old 02-27-2004, 01:12 PM   #2507
Tyrone Slothrop
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It's sort of like watching a revolution start

Originally posted by sgtclub
I don't know, and that's one of the dangers. I was not trying to be cute when I said I do not like the idea of laws being merely suggestions which can be followed or not depending on the whim of those in power. That is not a democracy, but rather a dictatorship.
Usually slippery slopes have punji sticks at the bottom of them. Or explosives. Or polygamists.* Something scary like that.

Originally posted by sgtclub
And the voters who elected the hypothetical mayor in Eureka like that he issued assault weapon licenses.
I'm having a hard time keeping your different arguments straight because they are hypothetically colliding with each other.

Originally posted by sgtclub
But I do see a great and dangerous harm to the system as a whole and that is why I am excited about this issue.
I get excited when people get hot and bothered about process even though it's working their way on the substance. You're disproving the bilmore thesis that when people complain about process, they're only bitching and moaning because their ox is getting gored, and I love you for it, man.

* Law of Threes in comedy, Hank -- the second time isn't as funny, but I'm setting you up for the third time, which will kill. After that, it's downhill all the way, right to the punji sticks.
的t was fortunate that so few men acted according to moral principle, because it was so easy to get principles wrong, and a determined person acting on mistaken principles could really do some damage." - Larissa MacFarquhar
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Old 02-27-2004, 01:14 PM   #2508
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It's sort of like watching a revolution start

Originally posted by Tyrone_Slothrop
Usually slippery slopes have punji sticks at the bottom of them. Or explosives. Or polygamists.* Something scary like that.
Are not fearful of living in a dictatorship or quasi-dictatorship?
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Old 02-27-2004, 01:16 PM   #2509
Tyrone Slothrop
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It's sort of like watching a revolution start

Originally posted by The Larry Davis Experience
Chauncey doesn't pass.
He does in Hank's world.
的t was fortunate that so few men acted according to moral principle, because it was so easy to get principles wrong, and a determined person acting on mistaken principles could really do some damage." - Larissa MacFarquhar
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Old 02-27-2004, 01:17 PM   #2510
Tyrone Slothrop
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It's sort of like watching a revolution start

Originally posted by sgtclub
Are not fearful of living in a dictatorship or quasi-dictatorship?
I think I have posted about the national GOP quite enough for you to understand my position on that one.
的t was fortunate that so few men acted according to moral principle, because it was so easy to get principles wrong, and a determined person acting on mistaken principles could really do some damage." - Larissa MacFarquhar
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Old 02-27-2004, 01:22 PM   #2511
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It's sort of like watching a revolution start

Originally posted by Tyrone_Slothrop
I think I have posted about the national GOP quite enough for you to understand my position on that one.
Right, and so I assumed you would be equally upset at this. I do not see the national tyranny in the GOP as often as you do, but I have posted outrage in regards to such items as the first amendment infringements.
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Old 02-27-2004, 01:24 PM   #2512
Hank Chinaski
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It's sort of like watching a revolution start

Originally posted by sgtclub
Are not fearful of living in a dictatorship or quasi-dictatorship?

Originally posted by Tyrone_Slothrop
I think I have posted about the national GOP quite enough for you to understand my position on that one.
You want to talk dictatorships? I've got four wives at home!

Thanks everyone. See you next week!
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Old 02-27-2004, 01:26 PM   #2513
Tyrone Slothrop
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It's sort of like watching a revolution start

Ba-dum bum.

Originally posted by sgtclub
Right, and so I assumed you would be equally upset at this. I do not see the national tyranny in the GOP as often as you do, but I have posted outrage in regards to such items as the first amendment infringements.
My response was entirely tongue-in-cheek. Newsom is doing something that his electorate very much wants him to do, and he has already submitted the matter to the courts. I do not think we are on the path to tyranny. Nor do I generally think that about the national GOP, although I do object to some of the things they do to re-jigger the playing field (e.g., redistricting in Texas, changing the rules for judicial nominations, etc.).
的t was fortunate that so few men acted according to moral principle, because it was so easy to get principles wrong, and a determined person acting on mistaken principles could really do some damage." - Larissa MacFarquhar
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Old 02-27-2004, 01:27 PM   #2514
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More on Hypocrits

[Teresa blasts Walmart for destroying communties, but owns over $1.0 million in stock]
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Old 02-27-2004, 01:28 PM   #2515
Tyrone Slothrop
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More on Hypocrits

Originally posted by sgtclub

[Teresa blasts Walmart for destroying communties, but owns over $1.0 million in stock]
Do you know how she's voted as a shareholder? That's like saying that I'm a hypocrite for living in this country and opposing the invasion of Iraq.
的t was fortunate that so few men acted according to moral principle, because it was so easy to get principles wrong, and a determined person acting on mistaken principles could really do some damage." - Larissa MacFarquhar
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Old 02-27-2004, 01:29 PM   #2516
Mmmm, Burger (C.J.)
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It's sort of like watching a revolution start

Originally posted by sgtclub

What is the harm in issuing the weapons license? It would allow someone to purchase a specific type of gun? Don't see the harm.
Convince me that the actions taken pursuant to a subsequently void assault rifle license and those taken pursuant to a subsequently void marriage license are just as readily undone, and you'll win your point. Pragmatism tells me you won't be able to.

At the end of the court battle, a bunch of gays will have a nice, framed marriage license on their walls that has nothing other than symbolic value (well, that, or the claim to be among the first few thousand). At the end of the weapons battle, you'll be left with any number of assault weapons in the hands of the people who most want them. IF you're equally comfortable with those scenarios, more power to your argument.
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Old 02-27-2004, 01:32 PM   #2517
Mmmm, Burger (C.J.)
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More on Hypocrits

Originally posted by Tyrone_Slothrop
Do you know how she's voted as a shareholder? That's like saying that I'm a hypocrite for living in this country and opposing the invasion of Iraq.
A one-share stake would provide her with effectively the same shareholder rights as her current stake, and wouldn't also give her much in the profits from destroying communities.

As a US citizen you can have one share or none, by repudiating and moving.

But theresa needs to get on the phone with her trust management, and maybe read her statements once in a while.

Last edited by Mmmm, Burger (C.J.); 02-27-2004 at 01:35 PM..
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Old 02-27-2004, 01:32 PM   #2518
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It's sort of like watching a revolution start

Originally posted by Tyrone_Slothrop
Nor do I generally think that about the national GOP, although I do object to some of the things they do to re-jigger the playing field (e.g., redistricting in Texas, changing the rules for judicial nominations, etc.).
I'll give you a pass on this since you've kind of sort of been agreeing with me today.
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Old 02-27-2004, 01:33 PM   #2519
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More on Hypocrits

Originally posted by Tyrone_Slothrop
Do you know how she's voted as a shareholder? That's like saying that I'm a hypocrite for living in this country and opposing the invasion of Iraq.
Nice try.
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Old 02-27-2004, 01:37 PM   #2520
Hank Chinaski
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More on Hypocrits

Originally posted by Tyrone_Slothrop
Do you know how she's voted as a shareholder? That's like saying that I'm a hypocrite for living in this country and opposing the invasion of Iraq.
Accord, Ty's a traitor, not a hypocrite.

Give her a break. She's out on the stump giving speeches on local issues and she takes a swipe at some company; you can hardly expect her to check with her portfolio manager first. This is a lady with a bit more stock than all of us combined.
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