I occassionally share odd sites that I have visited. Well, I recently signed up for the "Top5" newsletter, which is modeled after the Washington Post's Style Invitational (i.e., the site poses a question, people email their entries, the site selects and posts the "winners"). In fact, many of the Style winners actively participate in the Top5 contests.
What follows is yesterday's question, and the top 18 entries.
The Top 18 Signs It's Time for Your Rock Band to Retire
18. No longer able to "Rock and Roll All Night" without an entire case of Viagra.
17. Ever since Strom left the band for a career in politics, the sound just hasn't been the same.
16. Your lead guitarist switches to Heroin P.M. so that those after-concert parties don't keep him awake all night.
15. You're still considered a hair band, but now it's because of your ears and noses.
14. Instead of saying "Good night, Cleveland!" at the end of your set, you scream, "Honey! It's time for my sponge bath!"
13. "I'm sorry, Mr. Hanson, but it seems you've hit puberty."
12. Then: You freaked out on-stage because of the drugs you took.
Now: You freak out on-stage because of the drugs you *forgot* to take.
11. "Shooting up" didn't used to involve an enema.
10. Old band logo: picture of giant red lips.
Current band logo: picture of giant sagging man-boobs.
9. Biting the head off a bat now requires corporate sponsorship from Super Poly-Grip.
8. The only people making bootleg tapes at your concerts are from the Smithsonian.
7. Your songs are blocked from Napster -- not by your record company's request, but because they suck.
6. Then: You instructed security to screen the crowd for sweet young things willing to put out for the band.
Now: You instruct security to screen the crowd for sweet young things who are willing to to pre-chew all those green M&M's for the band.
5. You stop outdoor concerts to take a garden hose to the young hooligans who won't get off the lawn.
4. The band refuses to make a video because they're convinced that the cameras will steal their souls.
3. Bad: Your groupies drag their oxygen tanks to the stage to admire your alligator-skin pants.
Worse: You forgot to put on any pants.
2. [reminding me of the FB thread on a similar topic] Nowadays when your fans throw their panties on stage, it looks like the Fifth Airborne parachuting into Normandy.
and the Number 1 Sign It's Time for Your Rock Band to Retire...
1. The hot babe in the first row just lifted her skirt -- to show you her breasts.
The site's address, appropriately enough, is
(edited to corect shatty speling)