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Old 12-03-2003, 04:27 PM   #3586
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Response to TM's phone in and New Poll

Originally posted by paigowprincess
I want actual posts. That make you nauseaous. Link or cut and paste. This is a shortcut.
Sorry. You used the word genres in your post, and I misread.

But, I am NOT going to replay a graphic description of analingus. I may have to default my #1 choice out.
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Old 12-03-2003, 04:30 PM   #3587
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Response to TM's phone in and New Poll

Originally posted by Atticus Grinch
Thank you for at least sparing my PB posts.
But I like those . . .

(I was going to say that I considered them to fall into category #1, but decided that the humor might not come through properly . . . )
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Old 12-03-2003, 04:32 PM   #3588
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Originally posted by bilmore
(Sorry, the IM-ing about posts annoys the piss out of me. IM-ing itself is fine, but the idea that someone make a post and then private messages start to fly back and forth ("Ooooo, did you see THAT?") seems so . . . . cs.)
Even after a flurry of back and forth messages, my PM/IM friends and I are unable to figure out what "seems so ..... cs" means. Crappy shit? Craven silliness? Crosby/Stills (my personal vote)?

Inquiring minds want to know.
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Old 12-03-2003, 04:32 PM   #3589
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Originally posted by robustpuppy
we all know that in the right circumstances, cash can be the most thoughtful gift of all.
That's what all the hookers say, anyway.
Send in the evil clowns.
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Old 12-03-2003, 04:32 PM   #3590
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Originally posted by bilmore
Had they sufficient confidence in the worth of their own opinions to do that on the board, that might be a pertinent point.

(Sorry, the IM-ing about posts annoys the piss out of me. IM-ing itself is fine, but the idea that someone make a post and then private messages start to fly back and forth ("Ooooo, did you see THAT?") seems so . . . . cs.)
It's a damned if you do, damned if you don't thing. If you post saying, "Right on, Sidd!" you get slammed for non-substance, AND you end up in some pointless argument with he-who-is-never-pleased-but-won't-get-off-his-ass-to-do-anything-about-it.

I think that, no matter how much money he's making, having to have sex with him AND listen to the constant carping about how much he hates his job is too high a price to pay. Hence the deadline, and possible upcoming divorce since he's apparently not able to cope with the put-up-or-shut-up deal. And while I hate the mindset women who think it is their husbands' responsibility to support them, I think the "stop bitching or do something" is different. And, I don't buy that it is the wife's demands for a nice house that are driving his need to make a good amount of money. Mr. Almost-as-narcisisstic-as-Penske is too fixated on that for it to be an external thing.

So, thank you, Mr. Sidd Finch, for taking the time to slam jackass for his jackassness for the umpteenth time, though I question your sanity (and mine) because it never, ever has any effect and it seems crazy to keep slamming one's skull against the brick wall. In my defense, I have given up politics where nothing else happens. In your defense, you don't even go there.
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Old 12-03-2003, 04:33 PM   #3591
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Originally posted by Flinty_McFlint

Coltrane: You are absolutely correct, AT-AT's were two legged (smart engineering move there) armored machines with double turrets, that supported Imperial Walkers, which were much bigger. Apparently the Empire didn't hear about this great new invention called the wheel, or the even better invention, hovercraft, and instead insisted on creating huge walking mechanized beasts that tripped and fell a lot.
Edited to add: I guess I'm just flat wrong on the AT-AT's. Huh, been wrong about that for 23 years.

Laughter is the best medicine, except for vicodin.
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Old 12-03-2003, 04:34 PM   #3592
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Originally posted by Bad_Rich_Chic
Again, as I have said before, I think it is much better to be a woman in current American society than a man. You men are fucking trapped, bitchslapped with the double standard. It totally sucks. I understand more and more in this job why men ditch Wife No. 1 for some nubile 19 year old skank - at least the "buy-sell" aspects of the transaction are honest and clear.
At least you can say this. Men, in a lot of circumstances, can't even say things like this for risk of being labeled sexist or misogynist or whatever.

I'm amazed by the number of successful professional females that don't see this double standard. Sure, they should be treated exactly the same as men in the workforce. No special treatment, except for special women-only mentorship and special women-only networking. And maternity leave. And special women-only retreats. And playing the "I need to go part time or take a quarter off to spend time with my kids" card.

Sure, my firm has paternity leave. I've heard a female partner I work for ridicule the men who take it. Sure, I could take 6 months off to spend time with my newborn when I'm up for partner. But I would be passed over ("I don't think he is devoted to the firm if he wants to spend time with his kids.") much more readily, for that reason, than a woman taking the same time off.

I've got a great story about presumptiveness when I get back from my meeting. Please wait with baited breath...
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Old 12-03-2003, 04:34 PM   #3593
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Originally posted by Atticus Grinch
California deems a gift certificate to be value held in trust by the issuer for the benefit of the recipient, and therefore has not allowed any expiration dates since 1997. Go us! El Pueblo unido jamás sera vencido.

I expect that the total fucking hypocrisy of Congress vis-ŕ-vis the Commerce Clause will eventually and inevitably result in the federal government occupying the field in order to vitiate any state consumer protection laws WRT interstate or internet commerce, so your actual expiration date is therefore technically "undetermined."
So you're saying that my sister in California is likely to still have trouble making the argument to Amazon that they're holding my brother's birthday gift (credit card information entered to the internet in Texas) from last year (now "expired") in trust for her?
"In the olden days before the internet, you'd take this sort of person for a ride out into the woods and shoot them, as Darwin intended, before he could spawn."--Will the Vampire People Leave the Lobby? pg 79
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Old 12-03-2003, 04:35 PM   #3594
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Originally posted by purse junkie
For every hooker, there's a john. AndI don't feel sympathy for either of 'em.
I do feel sorry for the men, because, given the increased social and economic power women have these days, the men tend to get fucked. Not true 30 years ago, maybe, but from what I see it is pretty damn true now. If a married man says "you know what, no, I don't accept these assumptions" they get trounced socially for being a bad provider for wife and family - which women just don't face if they suddenly cry "I have more meaningful things to do with my life than work!" If a woman stops keeping up her end of the "bargain" (keeping herself up to present adequate arm-candy, slacking of on her sex/affection duties, etc.) and men complain, they are guilty of objectifying their women (who frankly often objectified themselves by accepting that role). If men try to dump a whore like a whore, they are malfeasors, usually pecuniarily punished, and the bimbo they take up with is a home-wrecker, rather than being admitted to simply be better at the job.

That's, of course, a broad characature, but there's a hell of a lot more truth to it than there should be. The incredible sapping of will and self-respect I've seen in a lot of "family men" in this business just depresses me. Too many guys end up seeing themselves as cash cows supporting women and children and a lifestyle they don't particularly get to enjoy. And they are fucking trapped, slaves to the expectations of their families (and, in all honesty, of themselves, though the results when they wake up try to get out of it are often catastrophic).

BR(Sidd, never fear, you will always get to hear me complain about my job)C
- Life is too short to wear cheap shoes.
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Old 12-03-2003, 04:36 PM   #3595
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Here's to Flinty

Originally posted by Connect_the_Dots

Yes, you are right, I am wrong.

I'm going to become rich and famous after I invent a device that allows you to stab people in the face over the internet.
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Old 12-03-2003, 04:36 PM   #3596
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Originally posted by Bad_Rich_Chic
Not to denigrate "stay at homes" or anything like that, mind you. It isn't the lifestyle or division of labor that pisses me off, it is the assumptions about what men are "supposed" to do and be responsible for that I've found sometimes (often, even) underlie it. It's the assumption that because you're married and he's the man that he owes you a fucking living, while you owe him ... childcare, affection (if he's being a good boy), whatever. And that an attempt to revisit those assumptions is doing you some wrong and imposing some undue burden on you.
Not to start a fight, but the same argument can be made about the assumptions about what women are "supposed" to do and be responsible for. Polls (yeah, I know) always show that women still carry a very large share of the housework/cooking/child rearing/etc. burdens in the home today, even when they work outside the home as much as the man. There are assumptions running both ways.

There are just as many men out there who think they have married a maid/cook/washwoman/nanny/sex slave as there are women who think their husband should foot the bill for everything.
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Old 12-03-2003, 04:37 PM   #3597
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Originally posted by mmm3587
I'm amazed by the number of successful professional females that don't see this double standard. Sure, they should be treated exactly the same as men in the workforce. No special treatment, except for special women-only mentorship and special women-only networking. And maternity leave. And special women-only retreats. And playing the "I need to go part time or take a quarter off to spend time with my kids" card.
This is all bullshit anyway. At least men don't have to wade through it, ending up in the lose-lose situation where if you don't go to the retreat, you are a self-hating woman and if you do, you miss three days of billing and don't meet your quota. Plus, all these programs do is encourage divisiveness.
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Old 12-03-2003, 04:39 PM   #3598
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Originally posted by Not Bob
Even after a flurry of back and forth messages, my PM/IM friends and I are unable to figure out what "seems so ..... cs" means. Crappy shit? Craven silliness? Crosby/Stills (my personal vote)?

Inquiring minds want to know.
In hindsight, I would go for the Crosby/Stills choice, as it makes it seem sort of . . . classy and obtuse. Like Crosby.

However, in the interest of accuracy (see, it's never too late to change), please consider the chicken, and its byproducts. (Yes, next time you read ingredients and see "beef byproducts", remember that manure is a beef byproduct.)
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Old 12-03-2003, 04:40 PM   #3599
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Originally posted by ltl/fb
. . . AND you end up in some pointless argument with he-who-is-never-pleased-but-won't-get-off-his-ass-to-do-anything-about-it.
Why would Thurgreed care about this one?

(hee hee hee . . . .)
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Old 12-03-2003, 04:40 PM   #3600
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Things that sucketh

Originally posted by Bad_Rich_Chic
It's the assumption that because you're married and he's the man that he owes you a fucking living, while you owe him ... childcare, affection (if he's being a good boy), whatever. And that an attempt to revisit those assumptions is doing you some wrong and imposing some undue burden on you.
No one who is a female in real life would write that. Not even us feminists.

As long as the sexual double standard exists, my husband owes me a fucking living (pun intended).
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