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Old 12-08-2006, 02:53 PM   #3721
Hank Chinaski
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Flats with Gold Seal/Emblem

Originally posted by patentparanyc
There are these flats I see all over the city and they are ballet flats with what looks like to be a gold latticework symbol on top, almost like a hollowed out lattice work design, in the shape of a circle. I want them and I cannot find them anywhere I've looked on several websites. Any idea what brand they are?
those are for the lizard people. you can't buy them.

go to if you want to learn more about the lizard people.
I will not suffer a fool- but I do seem to read a lot of their posts
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Old 12-08-2006, 02:59 PM   #3722
Hank Chinaski
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inside joke

Originally posted by dtb
So what are you saying?

If it's simply to state that you find it annoying, bfd.

Why don't you just post that an avocada is not a vegetable and be done with it.

Sorry*, was that too inside?

*not really
would you tell me the company Shape shifter is doing so much work for? I want to sell some stock short.
I will not suffer a fool- but I do seem to read a lot of their posts
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Old 12-08-2006, 03:10 PM   #3723
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Blood Diamond

Originally posted by Oliver_Wendell_Ramone
A big plate of tapir testicles, a tall bloody ceaser, and a good curling match. Now that's living.

This thing looks like it could please you in a couple of ways...

ETA I'm not sure if that's a male of a female, so I have no idea whether it has testicles or not.

Last edited by Alex_de_Large; 12-08-2006 at 03:14 PM..
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Old 12-08-2006, 03:14 PM   #3724
Tyrone Slothrop
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Originally posted by andViolins
Who's Penske?
For the nth time, he's not my sock. I don't know how that rumor got started.
“It was fortunate that so few men acted according to moral principle, because it was so easy to get principles wrong, and a determined person acting on mistaken principles could really do some damage." - Larissa MacFarquhar
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Old 12-08-2006, 03:21 PM   #3725
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Fa La La La

To the tune of Jay-Z's LA LA LA (If you want to keep up go here, even though it's tough to follow: )

"Fa La, La, La"

Christmas time's all about the Fa La, La, La
Jewish peeps still lovin' Fa La, La, La
dtb even on that Fa La, La, La
With a sock, sing a Christmas lullaby (C'mon)
Excuse me miss
I'm the shit
You should come
Get with me

Hold up. Skip all the flirtin' let's just fight tonight

[Verse 1]
Too bad my posts ain't as modest as you like
But come, get some you little bum
I posts my shit even when it's cruel or dumb
ppnyc weighs about a ton
Said goodbye and thought that the bitch was done
Shoulda known there's no way to make her run
Takin' money from her kids for Burberry Patterns
Fake Menolo's boots straight from Steve Madden
Lies about tits: 38 double K?
She wanna pass, so she kiss partner asses, but
We know she's strictly no-class
Lay back, hear the payback, kick that fat ass
I ask
Have you ever in your big-bellied life
Ever seen a fuckin' sandwich that you didn't even like?
Look but don't touch, silly bitch think twice
Cuz the gut that you got gotta get a little light
Am I right?

(Get back to Fa La, La, La)
[Chorus 2]
Christmas chant, and it goes: Fa La, La, La
Abbakiss? Always smoking. Fa La, La, La
Sucks a cock, baby, don't ask her why
Excuse me miss
I'm the shit
You should come
Get with me

Hold up. Skip all the flirtin' let's just fuck tonight

[Verse 2]
PB's full of bullshit, The Big Board's still a no-go
gwinc's avatar should be the FB logo
All attracted to her because they know though
Little red bikini, cut is European
You know she's a 10, your chances? Pretty slim
Stick to 2.5 you know you'll get some then
Sick with a post spanky no physician, in the world could fix him
No prescription you can prescribe to subside his affliction
He's not a sane man, he's more like the Rainman, twitchin'
Slave can't dance. He closed his kitchen
Hank still posts like a headless chicken
Stop dissin' the Texans on this board
You can't see Reg Bush, cuz Williams came before
This ain't 'SC bitch, it's the PRO switch
He's RT's Franchise like the Houston Rockets'

[Chorus 3]
RT decoratin', Fa La, La, La
Slave and Less out West, Fa La, La, La
Flinty knife -- don't need the .45
A nono post acts like a lullaby
Pass the spliff
That's the shit
He should come
Hang with me

Hold up, skip all the singing let's get high tonight

[Verse 3]
Forget English, talk Sebby-language
All over the map, make you feel the anguish
Big Diamond necklace, more on the wrist
bnb's so rich that bitch'll make you sick
Don't confuse me with no NB out this bitch
Flame up on me, think you're right? You just start a fight
Coltrane's girls got me sayin' Fa La, La, La
Not wack
Missed a submission? Why do that?
Let's get back to the music, I ain't with all that
Plus Infirm's tappin' my postings. (Y'all get all that?)
I am THE public enemy #1
Public enemy #2 is Pen-ske's crew (S.O.C.*!)
Now I ain't down with who like me or who like you
"That's gay." Say that and ncs will make you pay
But get a pen, I'll tell my firm my plans for the future
Partner, get in my face again, I'll have ta shoot ya

[Chorus 3]
Keep singing Fa La, La, La
Merry Christmas, motherfuckers, Fa La, La, La
That's as close as it gets and you know why
It's Thurgreed's Christmas Lullaby
Excuse me miss
I'm the shit
You should come
Hang with me

Hold up, skip all the singing cuz I'm out tonight
See ya


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Old 12-08-2006, 03:27 PM   #3726
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Fa La La La

Originally posted by ThurgreedMarshall
To the tune of Jay-Z's LA LA LA
Nice work, Thurgreed.
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Old 12-08-2006, 03:40 PM   #3727
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Fa La La La

Originally posted by ThurgreedMarshall
To the tune of Jay-Z's LA LA LA
Nice work. You bill your 2100 already?
Ritchie Incognito is a shitbag.
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Old 12-08-2006, 03:42 PM   #3728
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Why does a Margarita have more calories than a pina colada?
And I can only have 2?

Long Island Iced Tea (780 calories)

Margarita (740 calories)

Pina Colada (644 calories)

White Russian (425 calories)

Mai Tai (350 calories)

Champagne Cocktail (250 calories)

Fog Cutter (225 calories) (what the hell is that?)

Gin/Vodka & Tonic (200 calories) (this is my drink anyway)

Mojito (160 calories)

Cosmopolitan (150 calories)
Ritchie Incognito is a shitbag.
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Old 12-08-2006, 03:48 PM   #3729
Hank Chinaski
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Originally posted by NotFromHere
Why does a Margarita have more calories than a pina colada?
And I can only have 2?

Long Island Iced Tea (780 calories)

Margarita (740 calories)

Pina Colada (644 calories)

White Russian (425 calories)

Mai Tai (350 calories)

Champagne Cocktail (250 calories)

Fog Cutter (225 calories) (what the hell is that?)

Gin/Vodka & Tonic (200 calories) (this is my drink anyway)

Mojito (160 calories)

Cosmopolitan (150 calories)
so Flower drank mojitos because of his thunder thigh problem- not because they're hip?
I will not suffer a fool- but I do seem to read a lot of their posts
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Old 12-08-2006, 03:51 PM   #3730
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Originally posted by dtb
Well, thanks, though I think your first line was at least as sarcastic as what I said to you. It is interesting that you only have a problem with inside references when you are not in on the reference. It is true that I do not think it is very big of you to admit a "mistake" (in quotes because I don't believe it is a mistake to make references to things/people that you may know in real life) that you continually engaged in when you were more of a regular poster.

I hope you don't expect that I am obliged to say you have a point here, because I don't think you do. People make references to things they do and others don't know about. Big deal. Each person who participates regularly on here is in on some references, and out on others. Who cares?

Each inside-joke-complainer here has admitted to engaging in the conduct she is complaining about. So you're not in on every reference. BFD.

What I hear you saying here is "I don't make inside jokes, except for when I do." I still don't understand what the harm of making an inside reference is, and I don't think I've heard an explanation other than "It's annoying." Hardly a standard for altering behavior.

Even this is an inside reference. So are you annoyed by yourself now?

Rather than expecting the world to conform its behavior to what you* find acceptable (unless someone is causing you personal harm), it seems that it's probably easier to make your peace with the fact that you're not going to be in on every inside reference. There are worse tragedies.

*"You" in this paragraph meaning generic "you", not robustpuppy, you.
All I said (or implied) was that they were annoying. I didn't say they were a problem. Furthermore, I never claimed innocence, although I drew a bit of a distinction by pointing out that I try not to make inside jokes that seem clique-ish. Sometimes I have done it, but I try not to do it because I find it annoying* myself.

I also never said that inside jokes must cease. In fact, my subsequent post about how hard it is not to make inside jokes wasn't entirely facetious.

As to harm, an inside joke is not inherently harmful (or inherently annoying, for that matter). An inside joke can be a vehicle for harm, however, and in that case, I would actually have a "problem" with it, rather than experience, at worst, annoyance. Furthermore, I don't believe that the only harm with which one should be concerned is harm to oneself.

Anyway, it sounds like you want to dismiss whatever I say as deriving from jealousy. That is not the case, but if you truly believe that, all I can do is shrug.

*I realize some of you may be very annoyed right now.

Last edited by robustpuppy; 12-08-2006 at 03:56 PM..
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Old 12-08-2006, 03:52 PM   #3731
Steaming Hot
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Originally posted by NotFromHere
Why does a Margarita have more calories than a pina colada?
And I can only have 2?

Long Island Iced Tea (780 calories)

Margarita (740 calories)

Pina Colada (644 calories)

White Russian (425 calories)

Mai Tai (350 calories)

Champagne Cocktail (250 calories)

Fog Cutter (225 calories) (what the hell is that?)

Gin/Vodka & Tonic (200 calories) (this is my drink anyway)

Mojito (160 calories)

Cosmopolitan (150 calories)
I don't understand why you can only have 2. Is there some new Margarita-rationing law out there that I don't know about?
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Old 12-08-2006, 03:54 PM   #3732
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Originally posted by NotFromHere
Gin/Vodka & Tonic (200 calories) (this is my drink anyway)
If you switch to (club) soda instead of tonic, you save yourself 20-30 calories per drink!*


*but, alas, you make yourself more susceptible to malaria, if you are somewhere where that might be an issue.
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Old 12-08-2006, 03:59 PM   #3733
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Fa La La La

Originally posted by ThurgreedMarshall
To the tune of Jay-Z's LA LA LA (If you want to keep up go here, even though it's tough to follow: )

"Fa La, La, La"

I like this very much.
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Old 12-08-2006, 04:02 PM   #3734
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Originally posted by notcasesensitive
If you switch to (club) soda instead of tonic, you save yourself 20-30 calories per drink!*


*but, alas, you make yourself more susceptible to malaria, if you are somewhere where that might be an issue.
Malaria or scurvy? Are there mosquito issues?

And someone recommended diet tonic - which isn't horrible, but can ruin a good gin.

I'm a wino now anyway. I tend to throw up more frequently when I drink cocktails.
Ritchie Incognito is a shitbag.
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Old 12-08-2006, 04:06 PM   #3735
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Originally posted by NotFromHere
Malaria or scurvy? Are there mosquito issues?

And someone recommended diet tonic - which isn't horrible, but can ruin a good gin.

I'm a wino now anyway. I tend to throw up more frequently when I drink cocktails.
Tonic contains quinine, which used to protect one against malaria, until the mosquitos became resistent to it.
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