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Old 12-04-2003, 11:43 AM   #3886
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Originally posted by ThurgreedMarshall
Wrong. I would never kick your ass because you would never say the things you say on this board to my face. Mostly because I suspect you're a coward. "Plotting jumping you?" Ha. That's rich. Do you think I'd ask my black friends to case the joint we were meeting in, have them hide in the wings and just at the right moment leap out to get you?

I'm sorry you took it as a threat. What I wanted to convey was the fact that unlike on other occassions when things have gotten heated (with other people), you made it so personal that it went past debate and angered me on another level. But I don't really give a shit and it doesn't matter because we'll never meet. So sleep tight.
I will gladly volunteer to kick mmmm's ass.
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Old 12-04-2003, 11:43 AM   #3887
Pretty Little Flower
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Originally posted by purse junkie
It's the only thing you can bitch about around Hanukah/ Christmas. What else are we going to whine over?
The crass over-commercialization of the holidays. The oppressive Judeo-Christian societal dominance that the holidays represent. The fact that, for many, the holidays do not mean parties and friends, but emptiness and depression. You could whine about any of these things, and even do so in a way that avoids the dreadful banality of the "crowded shopping experience" rant. I will not be doing so, however. For me, the holidays merely represent increased-martini potential.
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I am not sorry.
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Old 12-04-2003, 11:43 AM   #3888
Did you just call me Coltrane?
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Originally posted by purse junkie
Santa Claus?
Speaking of Santa, can we lighten this up with some sexy pictures of Mrs. Claus?

No no no, that's not gonna help. That's not gonna help and I'll tell you why: It doesn't unbang your Mom.
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Old 12-04-2003, 11:48 AM   #3889
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Recipe search

Did I ever post my kick-ass flan recipe on any FB forum? I'm trying to find it to bring to a party on Friday night, and I think I may have lost it in the move.

If not, does anyone have a kick-ass flan recipe?

edited to add
Never mind, found it on another forum, and just so I don't get yelled at for taunting, here it is:

4 eggs
1 can, 14 0z. sweetened condensed milk
1 can 13 oz. evaporated milk
1 oz. vanilla extract, or to taste
1 cup sugar

Break eggs into a bowl and blend, add sweetened condensed milk, evaporated milk and vanilla extract. Stir until well mixed.
Put sugar into a saucepan and melt over low heat, stirring constantly to avoid burning. Pour sugar into a dish and tilt the dish to coat the bottom and the sides evenly; work fast here, because the sugar solidifies quickly. Pour in the custard.

Preheat oven to 350. Set flan pan in oven in a larger pan that contains about 1/4 inch of water in the bottom; Bake for about an hour. Doneness test is to insert a knife in the center of the flan; if it comes out more or less clean, the flan is done
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Old 12-04-2003, 11:48 AM   #3890
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No. Never mind. Sebby's right, plus this is just too serious a thing to try and hash out on a beautiful Thursday morning.

Carry on.
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Old 12-04-2003, 11:59 AM   #3891
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Originally posted by purse junkie
It's the only thing you can bitch about around Hanukah/ Christmas. What else are we going to whine over? .... Santa Claus?
Why not? Who the hell thought this guy up? I've got to buy presents not only from me and the baltspouse, but also from Santa for years, only to be rewarded by having to break it to a sobbing baltspawn that there is indeed no Santa Claus, except in our hearts, a metaphorical concept she will be too young to grasp at the same time she will be too old to ignore the many signs pointing to Santa's lack of physical reality. And then, just to make her feel better, I've got to still keep up the Santa presents so she can pretend she doesn't know for years more.

And who thought a tradition of a fat patriarcal white man arbitrating whether you deserve to be rewarded based on his sense of "bad" and "good" - a concept never elaborated and certainly not objectively quatifiable - was a good idea. Not to mention explaining to our children, "since you've been good this year, a large, strangely dress man is going to break into our house in the middle of the night, rummage around looking for milk and cookies, and might leave a toy for you."

And that's not even scratching the surface of the objections raised by PETA and PETE.
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Old 12-04-2003, 12:01 PM   #3892
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Originally posted by evenodds
I hate hate hate Plaxo with the same fire of a thousand suns hatred I feel toward some of you here.

I will never, ever reply when you send me your little emails asking me to confirm my information for your address book.

Stop asking me.

I hate you for sending it.

You suck.
What's Plaxo?
Send in the evil clowns.
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Old 12-04-2003, 12:03 PM   #3893
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Recipe search

Originally posted by Replaced_Texan
Did I ever post my kick-ass flan recipe on any FB forum? I'm trying to find it to bring to a party on Friday night, and I think I may have lost it in the move.
That sounds wonderful, but . . .

A couple of weeks ago, I had the most amazing dessert ever. Seriously.

Though this is potentially outable, the dessert is called "miles of chocolate" and information about it can be found here:

It's a cross between a brownie and a truffle and it is as close to heaven as you can get on a plate. Especially when paired with the perfect wine.
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Old 12-04-2003, 12:04 PM   #3894
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Originally posted by bilmore
I ask this because it occurs to me that things seem to work ok when people combine, but never do when they insist on maintaining divisions.
Just curious -- why do Paigow and I get to skip this one? I mean, I like Paigow and all, so I'd be happy to skip this one with her.

Heck, it would be like a flashback to high school, skipping fourth period -- American Lit -- and heading over to the 7-11 that doesn't card to buy some Boones Farm Strawberry Hill, and drink some wine and smoke some herb, and discuss, like, LIFE...uh, nevermind, I am taking you up on it. Paigow, honey, let's bail -- I mean, do you really want to spend the morning discussing Emily Dickenson?
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Old 12-04-2003, 12:04 PM   #3895
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QE for the str8outtavannuys Guy

Originally posted by Atticus Grinch
I would rather chew off my own knob with infected teeth than read ANOTHER FUCKING POST ABOUT DISCRIMINATION IN THE WORKPLACE.
I won't go that far about your exhaustive posts on religion that tend to put me straight to sleep, so I'll just advise you to do what I do in that situation. Scroll.

(And if you could reach your knob with your teeth, I doubt you'd spend much time here. You'd be busy.)

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Old 12-04-2003, 12:06 PM   #3896
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Originally posted by Not Bob
Just curious -- why do Paigow and I get to skip this one? I mean, I like Paigow and all, so I'd be happy to skip this one with her.
Ya' know, I didn't even notice the exclusionary re line. But, you'll be happy to know I'm bailing with you on this one. Boones Farm it is.
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Old 12-04-2003, 12:06 PM   #3897
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Cranky old lady

You know what makes me cranky? County road workers who come to my street at 8AM, jackhammer for 1/2 hour, and then throw their used coffee cups in the street. Every time they do street work, at least one worker throws his or her coffee cup in the street. Last time they made a repair for a water main break, my neighbor saw one woman throw her cup in the river that formed in the gutter and watch it go down the storm drain.

Littering is illegal and rude and lazy and disrespectful and disgusting, but doing it in front of the homes of people whose taxes contribute to your salary, after you have disturbed their (over)sleep with your big hammering tool (not there's always something wrong with that), is even more offensive. In this case it's beyond inexcusable because there was actually a trash can set out for collection on the curb right where they were working.

Why am I so angry about this? I think homeownership increases the rate at which a person ages. I'm thisclose to becoming the cranky old neighborhood lady who's always peeking through her curtains to see what those damn kids are up to on the street.
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Old 12-04-2003, 12:08 PM   #3898
Pretty Little Flower
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Minnesota in the News!

I just wanted to point out the following NYT article because it mentiones the great state of Minnesota. And, who knows? Maybe it will provoke some thoughtful discussion.


"It Did Happen Here: The Lynching That a City Forgot

Published: December 4, 2003


On an afternoon when a howling wind and early dusk gave promise of the northern Minnesota winter to come, two yellow buses pulled up to an empty downtown intersection and a swarm of bundled seventh and eighth graders poured out.

They glanced up at the new monument on the corner, at the silhouettes of three men who, though frozen in bronze, seemed to be emerging from their sandy-colored wall. Then, it was right back to the buses, where students pronounced the monument good and returned to their chatter. Nothing beats a field trip.

The monument memorializes a lynching that took place at the intersection 83 years ago, but to the students, it might as well have happened a million years ago, on some other downtown hill, in some other universe.

Racism is not a problem here, Matthew Johnson, 13, told a visitor on his bus. Not in 2003. His fellow students, white like him, nodded solemnly.

* * * * * *"
Inside every man lives the seed of a flower.
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I am not sorry.
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Old 12-04-2003, 12:11 PM   #3899
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RantFest 2003

Originally posted by purse junkie
[Shopping is] the only thing you can bitch about around Hanukah/ Christmas. What else are we going to whine over? Getting lots of great presents? Going to parties, hanging with our friends, nibbling great hors d'ouevres, getting soused on the really good stuff? Santa Claus?
I'm sure I will regret not scrolling before I post, but pj, babe, honey, what board were you reading yesterday? The rantfest was only peripherally about shopping. People here can rant about anything, any time.
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Old 12-04-2003, 12:11 PM   #3900
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Minnesota in the News!

Originally posted by Pretty Little Flower
I'm reminded of a book (or series of books?) about a bunch of kids who live in Minnesota who have some adventures while their Dad is away on a business trip to Duluth. Does anybody recall reading this/these in elementary school and know the author or title(s)?

This is not intended to diminish the thought-provokingness of your post, Flower.
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