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Old 03-19-2005, 07:04 PM   #796
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Originally posted by Spanky
I know you are being sarcastic, but it brings up a very relevant point. Her organs could save a lot of lives, and increase the quality of many other lives. So who in this debate is really conscerned about life. I have left directions with my parents that if I can be even slightly compared to a vegetable (which in my case may not even be much of a stretch right now) then I want my life line pulled and all my organs given away. Since I ain't getting no nobel prizes, I figure hey, if I give an organ to somebody who does, I could get partial credit. I won't have any use for them anyway.
Frankly, that was exactly my reaction to Mr. Robertson's lament. Not only is it unlikely that Ms. Schiavo's physician would not personally profit from her organ donation, but that donation also could save several lives.
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Old 03-20-2005, 02:06 AM   #797
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Originally posted by Adder
Who knew? The probably is capitalism. And, of course, evil, money grubbing doctors who are undoubtedly liberals anyway.
You're probably right about the capitalism part. Out of her million dollar malpractice settlement, turns out almost $600,000 has been paid for - her care? - her docs? - no, hubby's lawyer.
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Old 03-20-2005, 03:17 AM   #798
Tyrone Slothrop
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Originally posted by bilmore
You're probably right about the capitalism part. Out of her million dollar malpractice settlement, turns out almost $600,000 has been paid for - her care? - her docs? - no, hubby's lawyer.
Out of ignorance, dare I ask what you're talking about? Don't make me try to figure it out with Google . . . .
“It was fortunate that so few men acted according to moral principle, because it was so easy to get principles wrong, and a determined person acting on mistaken principles could really do some damage." - Larissa MacFarquhar
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Old 03-20-2005, 04:34 PM   #799
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Originally posted by Tyrone Slothrop
Out of ignorance, dare I ask what you're talking about? Don't make me try to figure it out with Google . . . .
Another board motto?

Yeah, I was unclear. Conversation with Florida counsel tells me that the reason her settlement fund is almost exhausted isn't because they've spent so much on her care. Husband has been allowed by the court to use those funds to pay for his team of lawyers working to get her unplugged. Trust records show that aproximately $574,000 has been paid out to his team of lawyers.

Note again that everyone here should go fill out a HCDPOA.
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Old 03-20-2005, 05:17 PM   #800
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Florida: the sad legacy of liberalism

What the hell is up in Florida? First the Lunsford kidnapping and killing by a known sex-offender and now the conspiracy to kill Terri Schiavo, which is being assisted by the Democrats?

Is this what the liberal agenda in our society has wrought, the weakest among us, the children and the infirm cast aside, whilst we protect and champion the evildoers?

It is ironic that the same left wing amoral degenerates fighting to see Terri Schiavo murdered will be the exact same sickos who sit in on candle-light vigils to protest the pervert Couey's eventual death sentence. A morally sound society would have shackled up Michael Schiavo years ago and put his ill-gotten gains in trust for his wife's care rather than paying the sleazeball lawyers to find a way to get the state to assist in her murder, while such a same morally healthy society would put a bullet in Coueys head years ago. Instead the innocent die, evil proliferates and the liberals consolidate the destruction of our society.

Am I the only one who thinks it is time to kick Florida out of the union. Let it be a separate country for the moral degenerates. Perhaps it could unite with Castro's Cuba.
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Old 03-20-2005, 05:31 PM   #801
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Originally posted by bilmore
Note again that everyone here should go fill out a HCDPOA.
Yes. Query, however, whether this would've made any practical difference in the Schiavo case, as Congress scrambled to federalize a state matter.

The GOP's big tent got a bit smaller this weekend, as Smilin' Tom DeLay -- that big-hearted state-rights conservative -- chastised Michael Schiavo for wanting to "let his wife starve to death."

Our medical expert on the Hill, Bill "Cat Man" Frist, declared that Terri likely had cognitive function as a result of watching a heavily edited videotape. Kudos to Frist for his courage in this, as rumor has it that watching videotape causes AIDS.

You think that having a HCDPOA would've made DeLay, or Frist, or our prinicpled President have the political courage to stand up to the Christian Right, and tell them about state's rights?

Yeah, me too.

Now rewarded with a comfy four year term of handling every lever in federal government, the GOP establishment is looking more every goddamned day like the liberal othodoxy that they so enjoyed sneering at from outside the gates. Federalists and libertarians, lay back, join the beleagured deficit hawks and the others, and enjoy your new GOP.
I'm done with nonsense here. --- H. Chinaski
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Old 03-20-2005, 05:49 PM   #802
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Originally posted by Gattigap
Yes. Query, however, whether this would've made any practical difference in the Schiavo case, as Congress scrambled to federalize a state matter.

The GOP's big tent got a bit smaller this weekend, as Smilin' Tom DeLay -- that big-hearted state-rights conservative -- chastised Michael Schiavo for wanting to "let his wife starve to death."

Our medical expert on the Hill, Bill "Cat Man" Frist, declared that Terri likely had cognitive function as a result of watching a heavily edited videotape. Kudos to Frist for his courage in this, as rumor has it that watching videotape causes AIDS.

You think that having a HCDPOA would've made DeLay, or Frist, or our prinicpled President have the political courage to stand up to the Christian Right, and tell them about state's rights?

Yeah, me too.

Now rewarded with a comfy four year term of handling every lever in federal government, the GOP establishment is looking more every goddamned day like the liberal othodoxy that they so enjoyed sneering at from outside the gates. Federalists and libertarians, lay back, join the beleagured deficit hawks and the others, and enjoy your new GOP.
This dog won't hunt.

The Florida STATE legislature did get involved - and act - on behalf of Terri and her parents. Then the Florida judiciary intervened.

In this case, the Fed is acting in furtherance of the actions and will of the state. Not against.
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Old 03-20-2005, 06:02 PM   #803
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Originally posted by SlaveNoMore

In this case, the Fed is acting in furtherance of the actions and will of the state. Not against.
Breaking news: Senate Passes Schiavo Bill!

Round one looks to be a victory for life.

Sadly a few dems in the House could ensure that the trigger gets pulled. Typical of the Democrats party to support the death of the innocent. No wonder these guys get so bent out of shape about the War on Terror-its directed at evildoers not the helpless. With Dean at the helm of the DNC steering its amoral course with a general disdain for Christian values we can only hope and pray their ship ends up sinking under the weight of its own sinful corruption.

Am I alone in thinking these dems would make good radical Islamics?
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Old 03-20-2005, 06:08 PM   #804
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Originally posted by SlaveNoMore
This dog won't hunt.

The Florida STATE legislature did get involved - and act - on behalf of Terri and her parents. Then the Florida judiciary intervened.

In this case, the Fed is acting in furtherance of the actions and will of the state. Not against.

I look forward to your reasoned analysis of how the Florida Supreme Court fucked up their state constitutional analysis and ruined what I'm sure was a perfectly legal statute designed to -- as you and your apparent compatriots on this issue have put it -- save Terri's life, by placing the govenor first in line in making these health care decisions. Until then, forgive me if I see your argument, such as it is, as the imposition of a tired ideological shorthand to justify the end result.

It used to be that federalists would argue for the strength of state rights, and limited federal power, even while acknowledging the risk that state legislatures, courts and officials may come to substantive results that one might not otherwise agree with. (So much for that.)

True, in Florida you've minimized those risks with a Republican govenor and legislature, but goddamnit if those liberal judges didn't fuck it up again with a ruling that no one might have read, but still, it just smells like judicial activism.

Thank God we'll fix this meta-problem soon enough with some lifetime appointments of people who understand what the founders really had in mind. Until then, if this judicial fuckup isn't reasonable justification for the feds to step in and fix this problem by hook or by crook -- whether by asking Terri to be wheeled in on life support for some questions by a Congressional committee, or by referring the matter to federal court -- I don't know what is.
I'm done with nonsense here. --- H. Chinaski

Last edited by Gattigap; 03-20-2005 at 06:34 PM..
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Old 03-20-2005, 08:05 PM   #805
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Originally posted by Gattigap
it just smells like judicial activism.
It more than smells like it, it is. thank god the Republicans in the House are coming from the four corners of God's green earth to save this poor young woman's life tonight. The next order of business needs to be the impeachment and degradation of judicial terrorists like Judge Greer and his murderous ilk. The abuse of our rights by these activist judges needs to be stopped before it becomes a civil war issue!

The Right will mince no words on these namby pamby liberals, the right to live will be preserved. As the Bible tells us at Isaiah 5:20, "Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil; Who put darkness for light, and light for darkness; Who put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!"


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Old 03-20-2005, 08:25 PM   #806
Tyrone Slothrop
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via Atrios
“It was fortunate that so few men acted according to moral principle, because it was so easy to get principles wrong, and a determined person acting on mistaken principles could really do some damage." - Larissa MacFarquhar
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Old 03-20-2005, 09:00 PM   #807
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Originally posted by Tyrone Slothrop

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CBS and the leftwing media are evil to the core and consistently disregard any semblance of the truth or accuracy in pursuit of their anti-Christian, anti-freedom socialist agenda.

On a separate note, I was reflecting on today’s sermon on this holy Palm Sunday and came to the thought that there are disconcerting parallels between the (in)actions of Pontius Pilate in “washing his hands” of the fate of the Christ and the excuses of Governor Jeb Bush that his hands have been tied by the evil Greer. Instead of wallowing in his feigned impotence isn’t it time for Jeb to walk the walk backing up his talk and send in the Florida National Guard to save this young lady’s life? He has the power to settle this matter once and for all, I pray he does not wimp out and join Pilate in the halls of eternal vilification.
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Old 03-20-2005, 10:03 PM   #808
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Originally posted by Tyrone Slothrop

via Atrios
More on the terrorist parallel:

Torturing Terri Schiavo
She’d be better off if she were a terrorist.
by Andrew C. McCarthy

A few months back, I wrote an article for Commentary arguing that we ought to reconsider our anti-torture laws. The argument wasn’t novel. It echoed contentions that had been made with great persuasive force by Harvard’s Professor Alan Dershowitz: that under circumstances of imminent harm to thousands of moral innocents (the so-called “ticking bomb” scenario), it would be appropriate to inflict, under court-supervision, intense but non-lethal pain in an effort to wring information from a morally culpable person — a terrorist known to be complicit in the plot.

As one might predict with such a third rail, my mail was copious and indignant. Opening the door by even a sliver for torture, I was admonished, was the most reprehensible of slippery slopes. No matter how well-intentioned was the idea, no matter the lives that might be saved, no matter how certain we might be about the guilt of the detainee, the very thought that such a thing might be legal would render us no better than the savages we were fighting.

Well, lo and behold, a court-ordered torture is set to begin in Florida on Friday at 1 P.M.

It will not produce a scintilla of socially useful information. It will not save a single innocent life. It is not narrowly targeted on a morally culpable person — the torture-victim is herself as innocent as she is defenseless. It is not, moreover, meant to be brief and non-lethal: The torture will take about two excruciating weeks, and its sole and only purpose is to kill the victim.

On Friday afternoon, unless humanity intervenes, the state of Florida is scheduled to begin its court-ordered torture-murder of Terri Schiavo, whose only crime is that she is an inconvenience. A nuisance to a faithless husband grown tired of the toll on his new love interest and depleting bank account — an account that was inflated only because a jury, in 1992, awarded him over a million dollars, mostly as a trust to pay for Terri’s continued care, in a medical malpractice verdict.

In this instance, though, deafening is the only word for the silence of my former interlocutors — -civil-liberties activists characteristically set on hysteria auto-pilot the moment an al Qaeda terrorist is rumored to have been sent to bed without supper by Don Rumsfeld or Al Gonzales (something that would, of course, be rank rumor since, if you kill or try to kill enough Americans, you can be certain our government will get you three halal squares a day).

Not so Terri Schiavo. She will be starved and dehydrated. Until she is dead. By court order.

Terri is a 40-year-old woman who suffered brain damage after a diagnosed heart attack when she was 26. In state legal proceedings dominated by macabre right-to-die activists, a judge found her to be reduced to a permanent vegetative state (PVS), drawing on examinations that appear grossly inadequate to the task of what objective specialists say is a complex diagnosis. Whether she would technically be found a PVS case by a court that was honestly interested in getting a real fix on her condition — rather than breaking new ground in just how far the Left can go in deciding whose life has value — is beside the point. She is alive and, periodically, both alert and responsive.

Her parents love her and want to care for her. Imagine if you had a child who was defenseless, dependent, and vulnerable — many of us, indeed, need not imagine — and the state told you not only to step aside but that you had to watch, helpless, while it took two weeks to kill her. That’s what’s happening in Florida. Starting Friday.

On another Friday, seven years ago, Mohammed Daoud al-`Owhali and Khalfan Khamis Mohammed blew up the American embassies in Kenya and Tanzania, killing over 240 people. They were brought to the United States for trial. They were given, at public expense, multiple, highly experienced capital lawyers, and permitted extensive audiences to plead with the Justice Department not to seek the death penalty. When a capital indictment nevertheless was filed, they were given weeks of voir dire to ensure a jury of twelve people open to the notion that even the lives of mass-murderers have value. They were then given seven months of trial and sentencing proceedings, suffuse with every legal and factual presumption that their lives had worth and should be spared. And so they were.

That’s what the law says we must do for terrorists seeking to destroy our country and to slaughter us indiscriminately.

What is the law doing for Terri Schiavo?

What kind of law is it, what kind of society is it, that says the lives of Khalfan Khamis Mohammed and Mohammed Daoud al-`Owhali’s have value — over which we must anguish and for the sustenance of which we must expend tens of thousands annually — but Terri Schiavo’s is readily dispensable? By court-ordered torture over the wrenching pleas of parents ready and willing to care for her?

What kind of society goes into a lather over the imposition of bright lights and stress positions for barbarians who might have information that will save lives, but yawns while a defenseless woman who hasn’t hurt anyone is willfully starved and dehydrated? By a court — the bulwark purportedly protecting our right to life?

The torture starts Friday, at 1 P.M. Unless we do something to stop it.

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Old 03-21-2005, 12:00 AM   #809
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Originally posted by SlaveNoMore
More on the terrorist parallel:
Jesus fucking christ. Cruzan was decided in 1990. Why the fuck is everyone acting as if this is something new and nefarious?

Again, take me off the fucking feeding tube if anything remotely like this happens to me.
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Old 03-21-2005, 12:14 AM   #810
Tyrone Slothrop
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Originally posted by SlaveNoMore
More on the terrorist parallel:

Torturing Terri Schiavo
She’d be better off if she were a terrorist.
by Andrew C. McCarthy

A few months back, I wrote an article for Commentary arguing that we ought to reconsider our anti-torture laws. The argument wasn’t novel. It echoed contentions that had been made with great persuasive force by Harvard’s Professor Alan Dershowitz: that under circumstances of imminent harm to thousands of moral innocents (the so-called “ticking bomb” scenario), it would be appropriate to inflict, under court-supervision, intense but non-lethal pain in an effort to wring information from a morally culpable person — a terrorist known to be complicit in the plot.

As one might predict with such a third rail, my mail was copious and indignant. Opening the door by even a sliver for torture, I was admonished, was the most reprehensible of slippery slopes. No matter how well-intentioned was the idea, no matter the lives that might be saved, no matter how certain we might be about the guilt of the detainee, the very thought that such a thing might be legal would render us no better than the savages we were fighting.

Well, lo and behold, a court-ordered torture is set to begin in Florida on Friday at 1 P.M.

It will not produce a scintilla of socially useful information. It will not save a single innocent life. It is not narrowly targeted on a morally culpable person — the torture-victim is herself as innocent as she is defenseless. It is not, moreover, meant to be brief and non-lethal: The torture will take about two excruciating weeks, and its sole and only purpose is to kill the victim.

On Friday afternoon, unless humanity intervenes, the state of Florida is scheduled to begin its court-ordered torture-murder of Terri Schiavo, whose only crime is that she is an inconvenience. A nuisance to a faithless husband grown tired of the toll on his new love interest and depleting bank account — an account that was inflated only because a jury, in 1992, awarded him over a million dollars, mostly as a trust to pay for Terri’s continued care, in a medical malpractice verdict.

In this instance, though, deafening is the only word for the silence of my former interlocutors — -civil-liberties activists characteristically set on hysteria auto-pilot the moment an al Qaeda terrorist is rumored to have been sent to bed without supper by Don Rumsfeld or Al Gonzales (something that would, of course, be rank rumor since, if you kill or try to kill enough Americans, you can be certain our government will get you three halal squares a day).

Not so Terri Schiavo. She will be starved and dehydrated. Until she is dead. By court order.

Terri is a 40-year-old woman who suffered brain damage after a diagnosed heart attack when she was 26. In state legal proceedings dominated by macabre right-to-die activists, a judge found her to be reduced to a permanent vegetative state (PVS), drawing on examinations that appear grossly inadequate to the task of what objective specialists say is a complex diagnosis. Whether she would technically be found a PVS case by a court that was honestly interested in getting a real fix on her condition — rather than breaking new ground in just how far the Left can go in deciding whose life has value — is beside the point. She is alive and, periodically, both alert and responsive.

Her parents love her and want to care for her. Imagine if you had a child who was defenseless, dependent, and vulnerable — many of us, indeed, need not imagine — and the state told you not only to step aside but that you had to watch, helpless, while it took two weeks to kill her. That’s what’s happening in Florida. Starting Friday.

On another Friday, seven years ago, Mohammed Daoud al-`Owhali and Khalfan Khamis Mohammed blew up the American embassies in Kenya and Tanzania, killing over 240 people. They were brought to the United States for trial. They were given, at public expense, multiple, highly experienced capital lawyers, and permitted extensive audiences to plead with the Justice Department not to seek the death penalty. When a capital indictment nevertheless was filed, they were given weeks of voir dire to ensure a jury of twelve people open to the notion that even the lives of mass-murderers have value. They were then given seven months of trial and sentencing proceedings, suffuse with every legal and factual presumption that their lives had worth and should be spared. And so they were.

That’s what the law says we must do for terrorists seeking to destroy our country and to slaughter us indiscriminately.

What is the law doing for Terri Schiavo?

What kind of law is it, what kind of society is it, that says the lives of Khalfan Khamis Mohammed and Mohammed Daoud al-`Owhali’s have value — over which we must anguish and for the sustenance of which we must expend tens of thousands annually — but Terri Schiavo’s is readily dispensable? By court-ordered torture over the wrenching pleas of parents ready and willing to care for her?

What kind of society goes into a lather over the imposition of bright lights and stress positions for barbarians who might have information that will save lives, but yawns while a defenseless woman who hasn’t hurt anyone is willfully starved and dehydrated? By a court — the bulwark purportedly protecting our right to life?

The torture starts Friday, at 1 P.M. Unless we do something to stop it.

She's brain-dead. Shouldn't her husband be allowed to pull the plug?
“It was fortunate that so few men acted according to moral principle, because it was so easy to get principles wrong, and a determined person acting on mistaken principles could really do some damage." - Larissa MacFarquhar
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