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Old 06-06-2003, 01:28 PM   #8596
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I don't know why I had this Mederma-onion problem and L_P did not. Maybe my skin just reacted with it funny.
No, it smelled like onions, all right. But it was a small dab and it was in a place that was covered by underwear and clothes (i.e., my hip), so no one seemed to notice.
I don't care. I ain't no freakin' monument to justice.
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Old 06-06-2003, 01:31 PM   #8597
Did you just call me Coltrane?
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Originally posted by Pretty Little Flower
Listen, I am one of the "tightass" lawyers that you are all complaining about, and guess what: You can all fuck youselves. (There, I said "fuck." Does that make me as cool as all of you?) Yes, I am serious about my job, and yes I am a serious person in general. So fucking what? No, I don't think it is appropriate to go out to happy hour and get hammered and talk about porn. We are in a profession, whether you like it or not, and there are certain accepted social mores that go along with the profession. That does not change the moment you step out of the office. Because of the very nature of our jobs, we are lawyers 24-7. Every person we meet is a potential client, or referral source, or someone else who could possibly help our career. If you are some jackass that transforms from diligent researcher to drunken lech at 6:00 on Friday, you are just shooting your career in the foot. If being concerned about my career, and wanting to do a good job for my cleints and my firm makes me a tightass, well then so be it. If you all wanted to work in an environment where everyone is as freewheeling and cool as you all apparently are, you should have become rock stars instead of lawyers.
Goddamn rock stars have THE LIFE. Enough money to piss down the drain. You're REQUIRED to do drugs. If not, you're not respected as a musician (see: Creed). You MUST destroy hotel rooms. You MUST sleep with 4 women at once EVERY NIGHT. You MUST develop a drinking problem. If you die early from being an idiot, you get MARTYRED a la Jim Morrison, who's legend far exceeds his talent.

When am I going to get THAT chance? That ONE chance, to pass out in my vomit. It's all I ask for.
No no no, that's not gonna help. That's not gonna help and I'll tell you why: It doesn't unbang your Mom.
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Old 06-06-2003, 01:33 PM   #8598
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Originally posted by sebastian_dangerfield
S("If I leeeavvve here tommooooorrrow..."... ahem.... "If I LEEEAVE Heeeeere tomorrrrowwwww"... cough, cough, eh, fuck it)D
The "Free Bird" reference is priceless!

Even(and I needed that laugh today)Odds
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Old 06-06-2003, 01:39 PM   #8599
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Originally posted by Pretty Little Flower
Listen, I am one of the "tightass" lawyers that you are all complaining about, and guess what: You can all fuck youselves. (There, I said "fuck." Does that make me as cool as all of you?) Yes, I am serious about my job, and yes I am a serious person in general. So fucking what? No, I don't think it is appropriate to go out to happy hour and get hammered and talk about porn. We are in a profession, whether you like it or not, and there are certain accepted social mores that go along with the profession. That does not change the moment you step out of the office. Because of the very nature of our jobs, we are lawyers 24-7. Every person we meet is a potential client, or referral source, or someone else who could possibly help our career. If you are some jackass that transforms from diligent researcher to drunken lech at 6:00 on Friday, you are just shooting your career in the foot. If being concerned about my career, and wanting to do a good job for my cleints and my firm makes me a tightass, well then so be it. If you all wanted to work in an environment where everyone is as freewheeling and cool as you all apparently are, you should have become rock stars instead of lawyers.
Can we agree that there is a gray area between tight ass/diligent researcher and drunken lech? I doubt many of us are truly either. I think potential clients look for people they like--not just people who can do the job.

Edited to say I really can't tell if you are joking on this one.
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Old 06-06-2003, 01:39 PM   #8600
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Originally posted by evenodds
I'd call you normal. But maybe I am just like you.

To me, the OddMan is a quintessential slacker since he works only because he enjoys "living inside," not because he feels any pressure to be a high acheiver at anything. He was just as happy fighting fires or cooking in a restaurant as he is working in tech. Actually, he was happier then though certainly he is better paid (for) now.

He's willing at any moment to just chuck it all to ride his bike and raise our (non-existent) kids.
I'd probably like your husband. My sole reason for everything is dough. Nothing more, nothing less. I just like to eat at nice joints and blow cash on vacations. When people talk to me about deriving meaning from their career in law, they may as well talk to me about having a c-section. Just gimme me checks and leave me alone.

But amazingly, I lie like a son of a bitch when courting clients or talking to management, and I do it well. People think I'm really into what I do, which leads me to believe I missed my calling - acting.

I've got the lies so perfectly packaged and my personality so split down the middle that I am actually two separate people. I'llbe typing this one minute, then a partner will walk into my office, at which point I'll flip unconsciously and pretend to be engrossed in some "issue" that I couldn't give a flying fuck about. I monitor my realization like a hawk and act very studious (which is easy - all you have to do is shut your mouth, look determined and daydream) while talking to prosepective or current clients about cases. I do my work in short spurts and then lounge for lours at a time, often making calls to friends about hiring me to work in other fields or sending out resumes to various people and making follow ups.

All of this, every day for years, yet I still get raises and have been even held up a few times as a model employee.

S(life really is a fucking game, but its sooo damn silly... I feel like serial killer - I just want to get caught so I can get out)D
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Old 06-06-2003, 01:43 PM   #8601
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Originally posted by ABBAKiss
People need to recognize that they cannot have it all. Want to spend the afternoon with your kids? Get a smaller house, older car, off-the-rack clothes, and eat only at Olive Garden. Then you can afford to quit your high-paying job that does not allow you to see your kids.

Kids are gross.
Of course they cannot have it all -- that's why I said "Life is a trade-off". I would go crazy staying home with the kids full time. I am 100% sure that I am a much better mom having a career. It's just that sometimes I would like to be at home hanging out with my kids -- whom I think are just great human beings -- and I feel wistful that I don't have the freedom to do it as much as I'd like.

That being said, my job is flexible enough (no law firm job for me, thank you very much...) I can take the afternoon off from time to time, it's no big deal, but when I do, I confess I feel a pang of guilt for not sitting at my desk. The men in my department take time off for family-related stuff too; it's a pretty accepted thing.

It may also interest you to know (or maybe not, but it may interest somebody) that when I speak to the former-career-gals who are now full-time, stay-at-home moms, they too are wistful about having given up their careers. The grass is always greener I guess.
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Old 06-06-2003, 02:11 PM   #8602
purse junkie
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Originally posted by Pretty Little Flower
Listen, I am one of the "tightass" lawyers that you are all complaining about, and guess what: You can all fuck youselves. (There, I said "fuck." Does that make me as cool as all of you?) Yes, I am serious about my job, and yes I am a serious person in general....
Jesus PLF take a day off from work will ya? I never, ever talk about anything too personal or explicit (at all) in a work-related situation, and would never get a buzz on in front of a client, but I don't think you have to have no sense of humor and be a complete tool to be a good lawyer. It's after work, or we're taking a ten-minute break; shut the hell up about the latest ERISA changes and tell me about your plans for your boat this summer. Or a book you've read. Or something that indicates you've got a goddamn soul, because frankly you are not going to find it imbedded in the U.S.C.A and I cannot do business with someone who has no life!

Edited to say that if you're joking, you're hired. Now fetch me some cocktail peanuts, boy.

Last edited by purse junkie; 06-06-2003 at 02:16 PM..
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Old 06-06-2003, 02:12 PM   #8603
Lexus Talionis
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Hey, no offense meant, but you remind me of this woman who works at my firm: senior associate, will probably make partner first try, really well respected, really attractive, great body, but very concerned about finding Superman.
I'm flattered. But as for the rest of your advice, jeez, wouldn't it just be simpler to hold somebody else's kid until it pukes on me and then hand it back? Your solutions all sound like work.
Old 06-06-2003, 02:22 PM   #8604
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Originally posted by purse junkie
would never get a buzz on in front of a client
Really? I've gotten good and drunk with clients on several occassions. Once got high with a client. I have not, however, taken hallucinigens with a client. Gotta draw the line somewhere.
Drinking gin from a jam jar.
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Old 06-06-2003, 02:27 PM   #8605
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CIA kept prank threat to Santa under 'secret' classification for 29 years

WASHINGTON (AFP) - The US Central Intelligence Agency classified as "secret" and withheld from public dissemination for nearly 29 years a prank terrorist threat against Santa Claus, according to documents released.

The threat -- purported to come from a then- and still-unknown group calling itself the "Group of the Martyr Ebenezer Scrooge" -- was contained in a classified compilation of intelligence on possible terrorist attacks produced by the CIA in late 1974, according to the documents.
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Old 06-06-2003, 02:30 PM   #8606
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Originally posted by Did you just call me Coltrane?
Goddamn rock stars have THE LIFE. Enough money to piss down the drain. You're REQUIRED to do drugs. If not, you're not respected as a musician (see: Creed). You MUST destroy hotel rooms. You MUST sleep with 4 women at once EVERY NIGHT. You MUST develop a drinking problem. If you die early from being an idiot, you get MARTYRED a la Jim Morrison, who's legend far exceeds his talent.
Money for nothing and your chicks for free.
I don't care. I ain't no freakin' monument to justice.
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Old 06-06-2003, 02:31 PM   #8607
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Originally posted by Pretty Little Flower
Listen, I am one of the "tightass" lawyers that you are all complaining about, and guess what: You can all fuck youselves ... If you all wanted to work in an environment where everyone is as freewheeling and cool as you all apparently are, you should have become rock stars instead of lawyers.
Two points: (1) I hate it when I am not sure whether or not you are kidding, and (2) I kind of agreed with your post, which bothers me since you were probably kidding (and because SD won't like me now).

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Old 06-06-2003, 02:37 PM   #8608
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Originally posted by Not Bob
Two points: (1) I hate it when I am not sure whether or not you are kidding, and (2) I kind of agreed with your post, which bothers me since you were probably kidding (and because SD won't like me now).


I have no problem with tightasses who mind their own business. If you don't want to be the life the party, so be it. To each his own. However, don't scowl at or denigrate the guy who wants to have a good time. Life's short brother and this gig stinks - I'm just trying to grab the good times while I'm young and they're plenty. Should I be villified for that?

There's always money to be made - time's a bit more precious... no one remembers you for your professional ability when you die -they remember you for the times you made them laugh and your humanity.

S(again, this gig's just a way to pay for shit in real life)D
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Old 06-06-2003, 02:41 PM   #8609
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Originally posted by Pretty Little Flower
Every person we meet is a potential client, or referral source, or someone else who could possibly help our career.
Damn! And here I was thinking that you wined me and dined me because of my metrosexual charms.

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Old 06-06-2003, 02:45 PM   #8610
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Originally posted by Did you just call me Coltrane?

When am I going to get THAT chance? That ONE chance, to pass out in my vomit. It's all I ask for.
You don't need to be a rock star. I once started a fund to coerce an acquaintance into chugging a fifth of vodka. 27 righteous bucks (1988 dollars). For an extra 8 he followed it up with a third of a fifth of rum.

He passed out in his own vomit within 45 minutes.

Gives you something to shoot for.

I'll toss in $25 penske bucks for a live webcam performance.

Last edited by Penske_Account; 06-06-2003 at 02:50 PM..
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