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Old 04-11-2020, 09:01 PM   #1186
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Re: Objectively intelligent.

Originally Posted by Adder View Post
You remember when Sebby was railing against scientifically accurate articles expressing skepticism about an entirely unsubstantiated treatment? Apply that level of vitriol, but this time well-founded against this.

There may well be airborne transmission of this. That other “similar” viruses were transmissible through the air is very weak evidence. It’s a different virus.

It’s different from how four doctors told Sebby that they believe an unproven treatment works, despite a lack of control, but similar. We aren’t going to solve this by intuition.
You realize you’re arguing against continuing a live massive trial which is probably saving lives. What’s you’re argument to a person who’s going on a ventilator and doing badly?

1. Let’s give him the drug and see if it works as it has for others;


2. No, we can’t give the drug... not enough studies yet.

Stand down. Please. It’s too stupid.
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Old 04-11-2020, 09:12 PM   #1187
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Re: Scott Galloway on the bailout

Originally Posted by Icky Thump View Post
Correct. Pretty good article.

>>Rugged individualism and capitalism on the way up, privatizing the gains — and then socialism/cronyism on the way down as we socialize the losses with bailouts.

Say no to bailouts.
We’ve already said yes to bailouts. $500 bil worth. But it’s not nearly enough.

But don’t worry... The market is going to get sawed in half soon.

And it’s going to be seriously satisfying.

The people who think they can escape this are the best. Engaged in the most delusional thinking... that’ll they’ll survive a total pullback of 70% of the economy (consumers are that much of economy).

They won’t go to the guillotine of insolvency with the snide aplomb of the French aristocracy in that revolution. They’ll cry and scream for more Fed bazookas and go through the 5 stages of grief in a brutal crash course. They will go down scratching, rat-like, desperate.

Let. Them. Burn. Reset time.
All is for the best in the best of all possible worlds.
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Old 04-11-2020, 09:17 PM   #1188
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Re: Objectively intelligent.

Originally Posted by sebastian_dangerfield View Post
You realize you’re arguing against continuing a live massive trial which is probably saving lives. What’s you’re argument to a person who’s going on a ventilator and doing badly?

1. Let’s give him the drug and see if it works as it has for others;


2. No, we can’t give the drug... not enough studies yet.

Stand down. Please. It’s too stupid.
You are a moron, who thinks administering unproven drugs to people is a “trial”. Who believes, “it works for others” in the absence of any evidence. You’ve no idea what you are talking about. As always, you’ve no humility nor empathy.

But worst, you can’t tell the difference between your wishful thinking and evidence that you’re correct. You’ve said you’d endanger yourself by going to the ER to lie about your symptoms to get a test so you can get a treatment you don’t know works against a sickness that likely isn’t a threat to you. You have no judgement at all, which we knew from having begged you, fruitlessly, not to waste your 2016 vote. You’re a buffoon.
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Old 04-11-2020, 09:17 PM   #1189
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Re: Scott Galloway on the bailout

Originally Posted by sebastian_dangerfield View Post
We’ve already said yes to bailouts. $500 bil worth. But it’s not nearly enough.

But don’t worry... The market is going to get sawed in half soon.

And it’s going to be seriously satisfying.

The people who think they can escape this are the best. Engaged in the most delusional thinking... that’ll they’ll survive a total pullback of 70% of the economy (consumers are that much of economy).

They won’t go to the guillotine of insolvency with the snide aplomb of the French aristocracy in that revolution. They’ll cry and scream for more Fed bazookas and go through the 5 stages of grief in a brutal crash course. They will go down scratching, rat-like, desperate.

Let. Them. Burn. Reset time.
Zero. Judgment. About. Anything.
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Old 04-11-2020, 09:38 PM   #1190
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Re: Objectively intelligent.

Originally Posted by Adder View Post
You are a moron, who thinks administering unproven drugs to people is a “trial”. Who believes, “it works for others” in the absence of any evidence. You’ve no idea what you are talking about. As always, you’ve no humility nor empathy.

But worst, you can’t tell the difference between your wishful thinking and evidence that you’re correct. You’ve said you’d endanger yourself by going to the ER to lie about your symptoms to get a test so you can get a treatment you don’t know works against a sickness that likely isn’t a threat to you. You have no judgement at all, which we knew from having begged you, fruitlessly, not to waste your 2016 vote. You’re a buffoon.
Hank already embarrassed you on the point of evidence.

And you’re mangling my point and now trying to score virtue points.

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Old 04-11-2020, 09:39 PM   #1191
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Re: Scott Galloway on the bailout

Originally Posted by Adder View Post
Zero. Judgment. About. Anything.
No. I’ll survive.

You’re a weak minded person. If things go to zero, I take your stuff.
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Old 04-11-2020, 09:54 PM   #1192
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Re: From a teaching medical school

Originally Posted by Icky Thump View Post
The purpose of this research study is to determine if chloroquine is effective in health care workers with moderate to high risk of exposure to COVID-19 in preventing symptomatic COVID-19 infections.
I chatted with an ID doc today who explained to me that the corona virus is acting very similar in the way it attacks the hemoglobin to malaria. He thinks hydroxychloroquine will turn out to be a pretty good drug.

He's also very glad to be out of the game. He set up the Ebola protocols a few years ago and said getting in and out of the PPE is a right pain in the ass.
"In the olden days before the internet, you'd take this sort of person for a ride out into the woods and shoot them, as Darwin intended, before he could spawn."--Will the Vampire People Leave the Lobby? pg 79
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Old 04-12-2020, 03:09 AM   #1193
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Re: Objectively intelligent.

Originally Posted by Adder View Post
There may well be airborne transmission of this. That other “similar” viruses were transmissible through the air is very weak evidence. It’s a different virus.
I will bet you $10,000 that there is airborne transmission of this, just like those other "similar" viruses. The only thing weak here is your position. And, just so I don't take advantage of you, please note this - .
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Old 04-12-2020, 04:42 AM   #1194
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Re: uh oh

Originally Posted by sebastian_dangerfield View Post
But as I said, three more months of this and you and I will be kicking ourselves for paying anything on homes that won’t be worth much without gun turrets on the roof. This goes bad a lot faster than anyone thinks. Fed can’t fix this one. No money cannon can do it. It has to be fixed with a coherent plan for incremental re-opening of the economy. This befuddled administration cannot do that. And lunatics saying we need to stay on lockdown until August help nothing.
I just don't get the market, unless as you have suggested, it is Wall Street (and Trump, Fox, MSNBC, etc.) propping up equities so that they can get out and leave Main Street holding the bag.

Even with a Mid-May return, that will have been two months of this. Q1 will show a little bit of it, but Q2 is going to be devastating, and this is not going to return to "normal" anytime soon. I don't trust this group, but their study - if true - (after only 3 weeks here in CA and 1 week in most of the country, and 5 more weeks to come) should be fucking frightening to the market, way beyond this mere 20% drop from the tippiest of tops (that many thought was already overbought). This has to be illusory and temporary.

You call it a money gun, but it is all borrowed/funny money. I may have to wait out Trump trying to have the Fed and Congress do enought to fool the electorate into getting him re-elected, but this shock (and longer term impact) to the economy has to be a chicken that comes home to roost. Too bad so-called capitalists in our government will not let investors in companies that made bad choices fail.

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Old 04-12-2020, 06:52 AM   #1195
Icky Thump
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Spiraling effect

Yes, may be heading toward team #paynobills

tl:dr Icky, just kissed his $20 million goodbye

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Old 04-12-2020, 07:25 AM   #1196
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Re: Spiraling effect

Originally Posted by Icky Thump View Post
Yes, may be heading toward team #paynobills

tl:dr Icky, just kissed his $20 million goodbye
I'm sure some are just opportunistic, but, damn, "The residential mortgage market is already under strain after borrower requests to delay mortgage payments rose 1,900% in the second half of March, Reuters reported."
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Old 04-12-2020, 09:11 AM   #1197
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Re: Objectively intelligent.

Originally Posted by LessinSF View Post
I will bet you $10,000 that there is airborne transmission of this, just like those other "similar" viruses. The only thing weak here is your position. And, just so I don't take advantage of you, please note this - .
I’m not taking your bet because it’s possible and we don’t know.

But read things like that with a grain of salt. It doesn’t tell you what type of testing they were using. Like the cruise ship that had detectable RNA 17 (or whatever) days later, that a very sensitive test for genetic material can find it doesn’t imply that a) its active and not denatured or b) that it’s present at an infectious viral load.

It could be, but that article doesn’t say.
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Old 04-12-2020, 10:19 AM   #1198
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Re: Spiraling effect

Originally Posted by Icky Thump View Post
Yes, may be heading toward team #paynobills

tl:dr Icky, just kissed his $20 million goodbye
Kind of a redundant action. Nobody’s applying or qualifying for shit anyway, as no bank could credibly believe the borrower would definitely have a job in two months.

Half the loans qualified today would never close because the borrower would lose their jobs before closing.

The market’s partly delusional. It’s not pricing in the lag between reopen and full resumption of consumer spending. And it definitely wants to climb as high as possible before it collapses. The big boys want one more run of Main Street and other suckers buying the dip.

There’s also a lot of stock pickers operating on the insane assumption certain sectors are significantly immune. I see no sector escaping this. Picking winners here is finding companies merely significantly damaged versus those obliterated.

We’re going to need a national moratorium on all fixed debt obligations for 3-6 months. You cannot fix this with a cash hose.

But ask yourself, if we did that, who would lose? Well, banks and many investors. Okay. But they’re both going to get killed anyway. Banks are fucked. They just don’t know it yet. And investors? If you aren’t out, well, good luck on a real long hold and road back.

Also, as the people outside HC and insurance who think they’re going continue working right through this start losing jobs, things will clarify. Wait for the white collar layoffs to really take hold. Then the panic will set in and you’ll see the market go insane. Lots of folks are still in the denial phase of the five stages of grief.

I’ve got one more month of receivables before I know I’ll go dry. Then it’s live like a hermit and spend like you’re on welfare until this is over. YMMV, but 75% of the country is going there, quickly.

Ya think anyone’s going to be paying lawyers for elective shit in the next few months? Closings? Ha. Starting lawsuits of choice? Forget it. Dealing with regulators? What regulators? Settling the big plaintiff’s cases? Well, maybe a few defendants will see this as leverage to settle at discount, but more will just hoard their money and see if the plaintiff’s firm collapses, which is entirely possible. Criminal lawyers can’t even get into court in most places!

75% of the country is going to be dormant soon. And I’d say half of those are going to be defaulting in the next 30 days.

We’re on the fucking Edmund Fitzgerald, and until those of us who think we can survive realize it, we’re going to dither thru dipshit half measure fixes and futile Fed interventions.

Freeze time. Freeze everything for 3 months except essential services. Nobody owes any fixed payment, lease, loan, or credit card. It’s like the country simply goes into a coma.

There is no other way.
All is for the best in the best of all possible worlds.

Last edited by sebastian_dangerfield; 04-12-2020 at 10:33 AM..
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Old 04-12-2020, 11:34 AM   #1199
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Re: Spiraling effect

Originally Posted by sebastian_dangerfield View Post

Ya think anyone’s going to be paying lawyers for elective shit in the next few months? Closings? Ha. Starting lawsuits of choice? Forget it. Dealing with regulators? What regulators? Settling the big plaintiff’s cases? Well, maybe a few defendants will see this as leverage to settle at discount, but more will just hoard their money and see if the plaintiff’s firm collapses, which is entirely possible. Criminal lawyers can’t even get into court in most places!
The have had luck getting $ from bankruptcy trusts during this pandemic so we are piling on. We have been doing deps (virtually) and think the courts may reopen virtually soon.
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Old 04-12-2020, 02:06 PM   #1200
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Re: Spiraling effect

Originally Posted by Icky Thump View Post
The have had luck getting $ from bankruptcy trusts during this pandemic so we are piling on. We have been doing deps (virtually) and think the courts may reopen virtually soon.
We’re in near total closure. Nothing’s being heard until May. All statutes of limitations in civil matters this month are extended into May.

Getting a deed filed is a fucking chore.

But this place is a shitho— er, I mean, commonwealth. That means each county is its own little fiefdom. Courts may operate more normally in states where the courts are more unified.
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