Originally posted by ThurgreedMarshall
You're nuts. Dumars would work with him{Anthony} himself if he was there. He's got an excellent jump shot for such an athletic player. He would fit in very well in your scheme.
Not to get in the middle of something, but it's unlikely that Dumars would have worked with anyone the Pistons drafted -- Hank's pal Mitch Albom (I think it was him) had a long article recently on Dumars -- he hasn't even touched a ball in years. Totally focused on the front office stuff.
Kevin McHale, he is not. NTTAWWT obviously.
And agreed that Carmelo would fit nicely on offense. Can't say anything about his defense, not having seen much of him.
Lakers win tonight, but not b/c Kobe guaranteed it. Because the Pistons let down.