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Old 07-12-2004, 01:49 PM   #4846
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Music Question

People keep telling me to buy Franz Ferdinand, but I just can't do it. You don't happen to own that, do you?
Decent catchy album. Not earth shattering, but a good listen.

* An imbecile. Why is this idiot considered a great early punk genius? There's a great site, I think called, where danzig shoves some guy and the guy punches him out with one shot to the face. Pretty funny.
Why? Oh, I dunno, because 100,000 bands in the 90's wanted to be the Misfits circa '83.

And every other band out of Norway is a Samhain clone.

But no influence there, no.
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Old 07-12-2004, 01:51 PM   #4847
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Plaid Pants

Originally posted by greatwhitenorthchick
My husband has two pairs and they look good on him and he has (as far as I know) never been in a bad ska band or just joined the golf course after hitting the lottery. Mind you, he has a nice bod so looks good in just about anything.
Tight plaid pants. Sexy.

I had them when I was a little kid, but now... I just don't think I could carry them off. Hats off to your husband. He must have on ehll of an ass to carry them off earnestly.
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Old 07-12-2004, 01:52 PM   #4848
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I've always ignored these plaid rants since I have no plaid of just about anything (other than the kilt, of course), but now realize my young son has an enormous amount of plaid legwear: pants, shorts, bathing suit, and, of course, kilt.

Hmmm. Time to get him involved in a ska band.

eta: i meant daughter not son. i sometimes get the gender of my children confused. especially when using socks.
the comeback
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Old 07-12-2004, 01:52 PM   #4849
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Plaid Pants

Originally posted by bold_n_brazen
I have a pair of madras patchwork mens pants from like 1974 that I bought at a thrift store in college. I wear them over my bikini at the beach club when I go have lunch. I have no doubt that they are totally rediculous.
Do you hike them up to cover the top of the bikini also? Because that is actually in this summer.
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Old 07-12-2004, 01:52 PM   #4850
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Plaid Pants

Originally posted by sebastian_dangerfield
Tight plaid pants. Sexy.

I had them when I was a little kid, but now... I just don't think I could carry them off. Hats off to your husband. He must have on ehll of an ass to carry them off earnestly.
why would you think they are tight?
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Old 07-12-2004, 01:54 PM   #4851
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Plaid Pants

Originally posted by ABBAKiss
Do you hike them up to cover the top of the bikini also? Because that is actually in this summer.
I think that might hurt. So no, I don't.
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Old 07-12-2004, 01:54 PM   #4852
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Music Question

Originally posted by SlaveNoMore
Decent catchy album. Not earth shattering, but a good listen.

Why? Oh, I dunno, because 100,000 bands in the 90's wanted to be the Misfits circa '83.

And every other band out of Norway is a Samhain clone.

But no influence there, no.
The man sounds like a mildly retarded roid fanatic doing Elvis karaoke. The Misfits were musically ok, and would have been much better without his awful vocals. He's worse than Billy Corgan.

"Mother" might be one of the funniest songs ever. I recall thinking, "this guy must be doing this shtick tongue in cheek, like Ozzy". Then I saw something where he claimed his occult shtick was not an act and blathered about how great he was.

He's like Rush, but not as good. Not nearly as good.
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Old 07-12-2004, 01:54 PM   #4853
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Music Question

Originally posted by sunnybunny
I saw Interpol once (on a friend's suggestion) and they droned on so much, I ended up leaving before the end. THey are worse than the cure, whom I enjoy, but wouldn't want to listen to for more than an hour or so.
As someone with 8 tickets for the LA show of this festival (inc. 4 pit tickets and a pair in the 6th row on the floor), I'd love people to be very jazzed for it. But from all I've heard, Interpol isn't very good live. They bombed at Coachella. But "Turn on the Bright Lights" is an amazing CD, so I'd give them a shot.
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Old 07-12-2004, 01:59 PM   #4854
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Originally posted by the Spartan
I've always ignored these plaid rants since I have no plaid of just about anything (other than the kilt, of course), but now realize my young son has an enormous amount of plaid legwear: pants, shorts, bathing suit, and, of course, kilt.

Hmmm. Time to get him involved in a ska band.

eta: i meant daughter not son. i sometimes get the gender of my children confused. especially when using socks.
How come I didn't know you had a daughter?

Does she wear plaid to church? Is it a kilt or just a skirt when worn by a daughter?
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Old 07-12-2004, 02:00 PM   #4855
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Music Question

Originally posted by str8outavannuys
As someone with 8 tickets for the LA show of this festival (inc. 4 pit tickets and a pair in the 6th row on the floor), I'd love people to be very jazzed for it. But from all I've heard, Interpol isn't very good live. They bombed at Coachella. But "Turn on the Bright Lights" is an amazing CD, so I'd give them a shot.
You lose a lot of money on tickets, huh?
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Old 07-12-2004, 02:08 PM   #4856
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Plaid Pants

Originally posted by ironweed
Just make sure your son maintains a healthy ironic distance from the pants at all times. He should be in the pants, but not of them, like PLF and Minnesota.
Indeed. Which is the way I wore my plaid Toughskins back when the world was young, and I was but a wee Not Bobby.
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Old 07-12-2004, 02:15 PM   #4857
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Music Question

Originally posted by sebastian_dangerfield
I loved Cash's last few discs, but I don't really dig the Personal Jesus cover. On that record, my favorites are "Sam Hall" (shocking, eh?) and "When the Man Comes Around" (only Cash could pull off a song about revelations without sounding like Danzig*).

People keep telling me to buy Franz Ferdinand, but I just can't do it. You don't happen to own that, do you?

* An imbecile. Why is this idiot considered a great early punk genius? There's a great site, I think called, where danzig shoves some guy and the guy punches him out with one shot to the face. Pretty funny.
I listen to my Franz Ferdinand EPs constantly. The full CD less so.
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Old 07-12-2004, 02:20 PM   #4858
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Originally posted by greatwhitenorthchick
why would you think they are tight?
He was having a moment. Leave him be.

In other madras news, I once had a madras shirt that a girlfriend found so offensive that she ripped it to shreds while I was wearing it. And not in a "I want to get to your body quickly and this is in the way" kind of way. More of a "I am drunk so I decided to take advantage of the fact that I can probably get away with pretending to accidentally rip your shirt in an amusing way in front of our friends" kind of way.

Also on the madras front, I used to be a regular customer at a bar where another regular would drink them and cry whenever "Are You Lonesome Tonight?" played on the jukebox.
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Old 07-12-2004, 02:21 PM   #4859
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Music Question

Originally posted by bold_n_brazen
You lose a lot of money on tickets, huh?
No. Quite the opposite. My first full year of this hobby ended recently with a $5,300 profit. And I'll make money on this Curiosa show (they're pit tickets! for the Cure!), but not as much as I'd first hoped. And an update for those who care - I unloaded my Sting tickets for Boston, Pittsburgh, Sacramento, Charlotte and Nashville, and took some hits along the way. Live and learn. As has been reported extensively, this summer is awful for concerts. The acts people are excited about are not touring. Come back Radiohead, come back.
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Old 07-12-2004, 02:29 PM   #4860
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Music Question

Originally posted by Hank Chinaski
Once I mentioned Gang of Four (which doesn't sound like these other bands), and you reacted with pure disdain. You have strong opinions on music.
"I Love a Man in a Maidenform" remains a classic. But aren't they more a gimmick than a band?
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