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Old 12-29-2004, 08:57 PM   #3046
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What ARE Gym Clothes, anyway

Hey, at least I attempted to make my grammar burn funny. Have you caught any of Flower's recent grammar-timmy posts?
You actually read that drivel?
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Old 12-29-2004, 09:02 PM   #3047
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What ARE Gym Clothes, anyway

Originally posted by SlaveNoMore
You actually read that drivel?
This reminds me. Does Paigow have a ShaveNoMore sock?
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Old 12-29-2004, 09:21 PM   #3048
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So let's say you're in an office building in Los Angeles. You get on the elevator (to go down a couple floors) and the doors open up to reveal a couple of chicks who are obviously not among the attorneys or staff. They're dressed like they're headed to Deep*, but they're waaaay out of place here, and it's only 4 in the afternoon. Neon blue and pink, with hats and sunglasses.

Upside -- you step in and exchange mumbled "hellos." Downside -- they do not disrobe, notwithstanding the medium wattage smile.

Once inside, it occurs to you that there are entertainment lawyers in the building, and at least one of the two are probably clients engaged in the film and/or music industries.** Artists, if you will.

You can't really turn 'round to see them without being obvious about it, and from a quick recollection, you can safely conclude that neither are named Hilton, Lohan, or Simpson. Other than that, though, it's a blank.

Query: Within the space of a 4 floor elevator ride, what's the etiquette for asking a probable celebrity who the fuck they are without admitting ignorance or toolerdom?


* [Spree -- club website. Sound, writhing silhouettes. No nekkidness, but possibly NSFW, depending on your druthers]

** The other being her agent, of course.
I'm done with nonsense here. --- H. Chinaski
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Old 12-29-2004, 09:25 PM   #3049
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What ARE Gym Clothes, anyway

This reminds me. Does Paigow have a ShaveNoMore sock?
Not yet. Godspeed, I say.
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Old 12-29-2004, 09:27 PM   #3050
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Query: Within the space of a 4 floor elevator ride, what's the etiquette for asking a probable celebrity who the fuck they are without admitting ignorance or toolerdom?
Ask them if they know Str8.

If they say yes, thn you know they are C-listers currently seen on the WB as friends of the Gilmore Girls.

If they say no, then their last name was probably Duff or Olsen.
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Old 12-29-2004, 09:34 PM   #3051
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Originally posted by Gattigap
[Story about chicks in office elevator]
Along similar lines, if one is in Vegas and sees two girls going into a trendy nightclub (Mix at TheTower with a $25 cover) dressed in leather quasi-dominatrix outfits at 7:00 p.m. (long before the going gets good, are the odds that they are working over or under 10 to 1.
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Old 12-29-2004, 09:55 PM   #3052
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Originally posted by Gattigap
So let's say you're in an office building in Los Angeles. You get on the elevator (to go down a couple floors) and the doors open up to reveal a couple of chicks who are obviously not among the attorneys or staff. They're dressed like they're headed to Deep*, but they're waaaay out of place here, and it's only 4 in the afternoon. Neon blue and pink, with hats and sunglasses.

Upside -- you step in and exchange mumbled "hellos." Downside -- they do not disrobe, notwithstanding the medium wattage smile.

Once inside, it occurs to you that there are entertainment lawyers in the building, and at least one of the two are probably clients engaged in the film and/or music industries.** Artists, if you will.

You can't really turn 'round to see them without being obvious about it, and from a quick recollection, you can safely conclude that neither are named Hilton, Lohan, or Simpson. Other than that, though, it's a blank.

Query: Within the space of a 4 floor elevator ride, what's the etiquette for asking a probable celebrity who the fuck they are without admitting ignorance or toolerdom?


* [Spree -- club website. Sound, writhing silhouettes. No nekkidness, but possibly NSFW, depending on your druthers]

** The other being her agent, of course.
I always start out with: "Have we slept together yet?"

It works great. That's how I met Joe Montana.
I'm going to become rich and famous after I invent a device that allows you to stab people in the face over the internet.
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Old 12-29-2004, 09:57 PM   #3053
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Originally posted by bilmore
I think your clients have a "standing" problem.
They also have the "crazy lawyer" problem. What, now Colin Ferguson is taking on clients?
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Old 12-29-2004, 10:52 PM   #3055
Skeks in the city
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What ARE Gym Clothes, anyway

Originally posted by SlaveNoMore
You actually read that drivel?
Nutcase just reads plf for the pictures. His avatar is *that* hot.
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Old 12-30-2004, 01:21 AM   #3056
Atticus Grinch
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Originally posted by sebastian_dangerfield
Hank -

I love the AN as much as the next guy. I watch it once a year. I even like the extended Redux version. And thats why it pains me to tell you that this dialgoue was beaten to death years ago.

Move on.
Wet willy for you!
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Old 12-30-2004, 01:28 AM   #3057
Atticus Grinch
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Sistas are doin' it to themselves.

Originally posted by greatwhitenorthchick
I am unfamiliar with this song so I just looked up the lyrics. You are correct, sir. Vile it is. However, maybe you shouldn't make those assumptions about "women" if you don't want to come off as chauvinistic yourself. I'm just sayin.
Yeah, 'cause men shot John Mayer to the top of the AAA charts. I'm just sayin'.
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Old 12-30-2004, 01:30 AM   #3058
Atticus Grinch
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Allmighty Allmighty, PBR Streetgang...

Originally posted by ThurgreedMarshall
I wonder how you would feel about your posts if someone else posted them.
Board motto!

ETA: I mean, after dtb checks it for grammar.
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Old 12-30-2004, 01:52 AM   #3059
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Now, folks, I'm going to be on vacation for a bit, and I won't be here to look over your shoulders and rap you on the virtual knuckles for your misspellings and usage errors.

But know this: when I get back, I will be combing your posts for grammar and content, and if I don't like what I see...

well, let's just say, you better edit carefully.
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Old 12-30-2004, 01:56 AM   #3060
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Originally posted by dtb
Now, folks, I'm going to be on vacation for a bit, and I won't be here to look over your shoulders and rap you on the virtual knuckles for your misspellings and usage errors.

But know this: when I get back, I will be combing your posts for grammar and content, and if I don't like what I see...

well, let's just say, you better edit carefully.
Vacation....*sigh* I remember those days.
And what the hell are you still doing up?
Ritchie Incognito is a shitbag.
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