Originally posted by Replaced_Texan
Did anyone ever watch a TV show in the 70s on PBS called Carrascolendas? It was a bilingual children's show on Saturday mornings. Someone in my office mentioned it earlier today, and I didn't recognize it at first, but then I suddenly had flash backs. It was sort of Sesame Street like, but more focused on English-to-Spanish translation than numbers and spelling. It was part of our Saturday Morning Cartoon schedule when we were kids. The details of the show are a little sketchy for me, because I haven't thought about it in probably 25 years. I did remember the theme song when my co-worker prodded me a little. The show was produced in Austin, so it may have just been a Texas thing, though some googling uncovered that the show was aired nationally.
The show I remember from PBS that was sort of similar was "Villa Allegre"...