Nude bikers
I can't believe I'm going to miss this!
Folks may be used to naked bikers at the Fremont Solstice Parade. But are they ready for bikers baring all around Queen Anne, downtown and splashing into the Seattle Center's International Fountain?
Rain or shine, some activists plan to show their sunny side tomorrow as part of World Naked Bike Ride Day. Seattle is one of 22 cities around the world, where riders plan to protest oil dependency and "to empower people to feel more comfortable with their bodies," said Daniel Johnson, the lead organizer of the Seattle ride.
Seattle police will allow the nude ride because, from a legal standpoint, being nude is not considered obscene behavior if it is at an event where nudity is expected. (Hey, look how progessive - you can't buy alcohol on a Sunday, or outside of a state run liquor store, but you can smoke pot at hempfest and you can be naked as long as you're on a bike).
Ritchie Incognito is a shitbag.