Originally posted by bold_n_brazen
I don't know. I don't think he would have gone back to Brenda. I don't think she would have taken him back either.
And the family was pretty shitty to her at the funeral. It was only as they all began to move past their grief that they realised they were all connected as family, whether they liked it or not.
I think that the Maggie meltdown and runoff was used to illustrate that she wasnt the Peace And Quiet lady that Nate longed for and couldnt find in Brenda, and that he would go to Brenda upon realization of this. Of course, this isalso from Brenda's POV that she accepts that she is not quite so damaged and unlovable on some level. Whether she takes him back or not is unclear, but the fact that she awoke when he kissed her suggested that she would not have. She learns she is lovable and then is able to love her kid and herself and move on.