Originally Posted by sebastian_dangerfield
Right. But this was Wrong. This guy was acting entirely in good faith, and simply attempting to offer advice. This boss elevated moral grandstanding to broadcast corporate wokeness over the interests of a guy who was actually doing something useful for the movement his boss is more interested in being seen as extremely supportive of rather than actually and effectively supporting.
This is a social media conundrum. It elevates the awareness crowd above the effective crowd. Saying is of more value than doing.
There's also a critique of corporate marketing and corporate "values" to be raised, but that's a long conversation for another day.
Most of the time if a board or CEO comes to me to talk about terminating someone senior in their operation I spend a lot of time asking them what they want and getting them to think through the pros and cons and I weigh in on legal pros and cons. I try to be dispassionate about it.
If their CEO had brought this one to me, I would have been "come on, X, don't be an ass, this is stupid."