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Old 04-17-2022, 04:59 PM   #796
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Re: Song of the Day

Idk why Twitter insists on listening to complaints at all. Offended people can go fuck themselves. Seriously. You don’t like what someone said? Okay. Well, take it up with that person. Twitter shouldn’t be playing policeman, at all.

It’s just words on an internet platform. And the offended are just people who are upset. Lots of people are upset at lots of things. There’s no duty for a platform to play referee for these complaints.

I’m sick of the offended. Sincerely, Fuck The Offended. Being offended isn’t a special quality. It doesn’t confer any gravitas or rights. You don’t like something? Don’t look at it. Or tell the person you’re offended. I doubt the offender will give a shit, as he probably intended to offend and by carping at him you’re just giving him what he wants. But if ignoring the offender isn’t enough for you, well, that’s your alternative. Have at it.

But don’t infect my news feed with stories about how offended you are, or try to ban people from offering their offending views to the rest of us who may not be offended by them. I don’t fucking care about the offended. And when they demand attention for being offended, they’re making themselves into something far worse than offensive: Irritating. And when they seek to censor what I can view on a platform, they’re fucking with the quality and quantity of content. That entitles me, IMO, to kick their actual IRL asses. …If only that were possible.

All is for the best in the best of all possible worlds.
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Old 04-17-2022, 08:21 PM   #797
Tyrone Slothrop
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Re: Song of the Day

Originally Posted by sebastian_dangerfield View Post
Idk why Twitter insists on listening to complaints at all. Offended people can go fuck themselves. Seriously. You don’t like what someone said? Okay. Well, take it up with that person. Twitter shouldn’t be playing policeman, at all.

It’s just words on an internet platform. And the offended are just people who are upset. Lots of people are upset at lots of things. There’s no duty for a platform to play referee for these complaints.

I’m sick of the offended. Sincerely, Fuck The Offended. Being offended isn’t a special quality. It doesn’t confer any gravitas or rights. You don’t like something? Don’t look at it. Or tell the person you’re offended. I doubt the offender will give a shit, as he probably intended to offend and by carping at him you’re just giving him what he wants. But if ignoring the offender isn’t enough for you, well, that’s your alternative. Have at it.

But don’t infect my news feed with stories about how offended you are, or try to ban people from offering their offending views to the rest of us who may not be offended by them. I don’t fucking care about the offended. And when they demand attention for being offended, they’re making themselves into something far worse than offensive: Irritating. And when they seek to censor what I can view on a platform, they’re fucking with the quality and quantity of content. That entitles me, IMO, to kick their actual IRL asses. …If only that were possible.

Every platform does some kind of moderation because if they don't, things go south and the government (in the broad sense, including the courts) does something. None of them want to do it, because it's expensive and time consuming and a pain in the ass and, as that author says, they would all rather be spending time designing another feature. But they all do it, and they make mistakes, because that's inevitable too.
“It was fortunate that so few men acted according to moral principle, because it was so easy to get principles wrong, and a determined person acting on mistaken principles could really do some damage." - Larissa MacFarquhar
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Old 04-17-2022, 09:06 PM   #798
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Re: Song of the Day

Originally Posted by Tyrone Slothrop View Post
Every platform does some kind of moderation because if they don't, things go south and the government (in the broad sense, including the courts) does something. None of them want to do it, because it's expensive and time consuming and a pain in the ass and, as that author says, they would all rather be spending time designing another feature. But they all do it, and they make mistakes, because that's inevitable too.
Agreed. The reason the govt, or the platform, must get involved, however, is because some officious people decide They Have A Gripe.

Fuck those people. Or, better yet, let’s all agree to Ignore Those People. And Ignore The People Who Wind Up Those Simpletons.

The rule should be what the rule always was: You’re offended? Turn the fucking channel. Or pick a fight with the agitator. It’s between the two of you, or your tribes, Not The Rest Of Us.

These “I’m Offended” assholes have been chipping away at free speech since Falwell sued Flynt, since Brent Bozell started boycotts decades ago.

Fuck these people. Fuck them all.
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Old 04-18-2022, 09:42 AM   #799
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Re: Song of the Day

Originally Posted by Hank Chinaski View Post
Your glasses don't fog? When I wear readers and a mask they fog.
It can be an issue, but a good mask with a nose wire and the glasses over the mask works fine.
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Old 04-18-2022, 09:46 AM   #800
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Re: Song of the Day

Originally Posted by LessinSF View Post
If I am ever in charge, you are the in the first of the, not as in the poem says Communists or Socialists, but totalitarian, autocratic, illberal, despotic self-righteous tools to be treated the same as the Chinese treat their so-called citizens.

Seriously, I have never met you and I don't want to, because you need to be kicked in the nuts so many times that you can never procreate again. And, if your current crotchfruit parrots you in any way, em needs to be sterilized.
Like Sebby, have you also had Covid multiple times?
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Old 04-18-2022, 09:52 AM   #801
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Re: Song of the Day

Originally Posted by sebastian_dangerfield View Post

Well, the Chinese, geniuses that they are, did that. And how’s the working out for them?
Omicron didn't originate in China and may never have developed had the original not been allowed to run rampant around the world.

There are very real practical questions whether we could have locked down hard enough to kill the thing off - which led the experts to conclude we shouldn't try - but that does change the fact that we never tried.

But places like China and elsewhere in SE Asia that tried saw it go away until they were reinfected by others that didn't. (Of course, this is not an endorsement of everything China has done).
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Old 04-18-2022, 10:02 AM   #802
Pretty Little Flower
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Re: Song of the Day

Originally Posted by sebastian_dangerfield View Post
Idk why Twitter insists on listening to complaints at all. Offended people can go fuck themselves. Seriously. You don’t like what someone said? Okay. Well, take it up with that person. Twitter shouldn’t be playing policeman, at all.

It’s just words on an internet platform. And the offended are just people who are upset. Lots of people are upset at lots of things. There’s no duty for a platform to play referee for these complaints.

I’m sick of the offended. Sincerely, Fuck The Offended. Being offended isn’t a special quality. It doesn’t confer any gravitas or rights. You don’t like something? Don’t look at it. Or tell the person you’re offended. I doubt the offender will give a shit, as he probably intended to offend and by carping at him you’re just giving him what he wants. But if ignoring the offender isn’t enough for you, well, that’s your alternative. Have at it.

But don’t infect my news feed with stories about how offended you are, or try to ban people from offering their offending views to the rest of us who may not be offended by them. I don’t fucking care about the offended. And when they demand attention for being offended, they’re making themselves into something far worse than offensive: Irritating. And when they seek to censor what I can view on a platform, they’re fucking with the quality and quantity of content. That entitles me, IMO, to kick their actual IRL asses. …If only that were possible.

You are the most offended person I know. Between the woke libtards complaining about perceived transphobia and the MAGA dunces complaining about CRT in math books, your hair is ALWAYS on fire. Now you’re so offended you want to go out and beat some people up? Sit the fuck down, snowflake, and quit your fucking whining. Nobody cares about your endless grievances.
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I am not sorry.
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Old 04-18-2022, 11:19 AM   #803
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Re: Song of the Day

Originally Posted by Pretty Little Flower View Post
You are the most offended person I know. Between the woke libtards complaining about perceived transphobia and the MAGA dunces complaining about CRT in math books, your hair is ALWAYS on fire. Now you’re so offended you want to go out and beat some people up? Sit the fuck down, snowflake, and quit your fucking whining. Nobody cares about your endless grievances.
I'm irritated. There's a difference. We irritated are a different breed, responding not to perceived slights but to generally dumb behavior, or things that are corrosive to a more enjoyable or amusing discourse.

When I'm reading something that's provocative, I enjoy that it causes me to think. Maybe it causes me to disagree with it, or reconsider what I'd previously thought about the subject. If comments follow the article and they debate its merits or lack thereof, that banter is welcome.

But when someone responds with, "I'm offended," or worse, then seeks to ban the author of that which offended them, they've added nothing. All thinking ceases and the argument becomes a grievance and possibly a blunt exertion of power to shut down something or someone.

"I'm offended" is not thoughtful but emotive. It's like saying "This makes me sad," or "This makes me happy." Does this add anything to the conversation? Congrats. You've emoted. And the content value of that ejaculation is: 0.00.

But yes, I think I should be able to Will Smith most of the offended. But I also think that if they find my denigration of them or irritation with them offensive, they can do the same to me. Quite honestly, allowing people to beat the shit out of each other might be the cure for stupid behavior.
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Old 04-18-2022, 11:19 AM   #804
Hank Chinaski
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Re: Song of the Day

Originally Posted by Pretty Little Flower View Post
You are the most offended person I know. Between the woke libtards complaining about perceived transphobia and the MAGA dunces complaining about CRT in math books, your hair is ALWAYS on fire. Now you’re so offended you want to go out and beat some people up? Sit the fuck down, snowflake, and quit your fucking whining. Nobody cares about your endless grievances.
Must you always be so negative? Why not acknowledge and credit when Sebby shows growth? I mean, he worked "gravitas" into that rant. That has got to be worth something?
I will not suffer a fool- but I do seem to read a lot of their posts
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Old 04-18-2022, 11:29 AM   #805
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Re: Song of the Day

Originally Posted by sebastian_dangerfield View Post
I'm irritated. There's a difference. We irritated are a different breed, responding not to perceived slights but to generally dumb behavior, or things that are corrosive to a more enjoyable or amusing discourse.

When I'm reading something that's provocative, I enjoy that it causes me to think. Maybe it causes me to disagree with it, or reconsider what I'd previously thought about the subject. If comments follow the article and they debate its merits or lack thereof, that banter is welcome.

But when someone responds with, "I'm offended," or worse, then seeks to ban the author of that which offended them, they've added nothing. All thinking ceases and the argument becomes a grievance and possibly a blunt exertion of power to shut down something or someone.

"I'm offended" is not thoughtful but emotive. It's like saying "This makes me sad," or "This makes me happy." Does this add anything to the conversation? Congrats. You've emoted. And the content value of that ejaculation is: 0.00.

But yes, I think I should be able to Will Smith most of the offended. But I also think that if they find my denigration of them or irritation with them offensive, they can do the same to me. Quite honestly, allowing people to beat the shit out of each other might be the cure for stupid behavior.
Being offended is “emotive” but being irritated is “thoughtful”? I’m not buying it. The only difference is that, instead of saying, “This makes me sad”, you are saying “This makes me angry.” Irritation is an emotion. Adds nothing to the conversation. Congrats. You’ve emoted.
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I am not sorry.
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Old 04-18-2022, 11:29 AM   #806
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Re: Song of the Day

Originally Posted by Adder View Post
Omicron didn't originate in China and may never have developed had the original not been allowed to run rampant around the world.

There are very real practical questions whether we could have locked down hard enough to kill the thing off - which led the experts to conclude we shouldn't try - but that does change the fact that we never tried.

But places like China and elsewhere in SE Asia that tried saw it go away until they were reinfected by others that didn't. (Of course, this is not an endorsement of everything China has done).
Even with MRNA vaccines, the virus still spreads. They don't prevent acquisition, but they decrease time with it and rick of death from it.

There was no reality, ever, in which any nation (other than an island that intended to shut itself off from the rest of the world forever) could have locked down, waited for a vaccine, and then reopened and avoided spread of the virus. The endeavor is so flawed I find it amazing to be even having this discussion.

The only viruses we've managed to contain in the fashion you are advocating were MERS and Ebola. Why? Because they are very difficult to transmit from person to person. The virus most like Covid, SARS, spread significantly but had a limited lifespan in part because it was also far more difficult to transit than Covid.
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Old 04-18-2022, 11:35 AM   #807
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Re: Song of the Day

Originally Posted by sebastian_dangerfield View Post
Even with MRNA vaccines, the virus still spreads. They don't prevent acquisition, but they decrease time with it and rick of death from it.

There was no reality, ever, in which any nation (other than an island that intended to shut itself off from the rest of the world forever) could have locked down, waited for a vaccine, and then reopened and avoided spread of the virus. The endeavor is so flawed I find it amazing to be even having this discussion.

The only viruses we've managed to contain in the fashion you are advocating were MERS and Ebola. Why? Because they are very difficult to transmit from person to person. The virus most like Covid, SARS, spread significantly but had a limited lifespan in part because it was also far more difficult to transit than Covid.
I am curious as to whether a one whole-earth three weekend lockdown would have ended it.
No no no, that's not gonna help. That's not gonna help and I'll tell you why: It doesn't unbang your Mom.
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Old 04-18-2022, 11:36 AM   #808
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Re: Song of the Day

Originally Posted by Pretty Little Flower View Post
Being offended is “emotive” but being irritated is “thoughtful”? I’m not buying it. The only difference is that, instead of saying, “This makes me sad”, you are saying “This makes me angry.” Irritation is an emotion. Adds nothing to the conversation. Congrats. You’ve emoted.
Being irritated at something dumb is thoughtful. You're pointing out the dumb, which is an insistence on higher thought. An insistence on logic over emoting.

Would you say Lewis black is emoting in his routine? No. The frustration is not personal. The frustration is general, at a lack of competent, rational thinking.

I am not above emoting, but that's limited to things like our pernicious justice system. There, at the unfairness of that shitshow, yes I get offended. But again, it's not personal. You'll never hear me say, "That upsets me," or "that makes me feel [insert]" without offering a valid factual basis for the reaction. Without that, who cares how I feel? If I don't have a concrete critique of that to which I'm responding, I've nothing to say. If all I have is to say "That upsets me," I see no reason to speak.
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Last edited by sebastian_dangerfield; 04-18-2022 at 11:43 AM..
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Old 04-18-2022, 11:53 AM   #809
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Re: Song of the Day

Originally Posted by sebastian_dangerfield View Post
Being irritated at something dumb is thoughtful. You're pointing out the dumb, which is an insistence on higher thought. An insistence on logic over emoting.

Would you say Lewis black is emoting in his routine? No. The frustration is not personal. The frustration is general, at a lack of competent, rational thinking.

I am not above emoting, but that's limited to things like our pernicious justice system. There, at the unfairness of that shitshow, yes I get offended. But again, it's not personal. You'll never hear me say, "That upsets me," or "that makes me feel [insert]" without offering a valid factual basis for the reaction. Without that, who cares how I feel? If I don't have a concrete critique of that to which I'm responding, I've nothing to say. If all I have is to say "That upsets me," I see no reason to speak.
Nope. Irritation is an emotion, regardless of what you are irritated at. When you say you are irritated, you’re just telling us your feelings. You’re irritated? What do you want, a hug?
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Old 04-18-2022, 02:09 PM   #810
Tyrone Slothrop
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Re: Song of the Day

Originally Posted by sebastian_dangerfield View Post
Agreed. The reason the govt, or the platform, must get involved, however, is because some officious people decide They Have A Gripe.
Maybe you want to read that thread again, because you're missing the point. You and Elon both think Twitter should just let anything go because so what if a few people are offended. The issue is not that a few people get offended. The problem is that lots of people get hot and bothered and start doing things IRL that have real-world consequences.
[A]t Certain Times, given Certain Circumstances, humans will Behave Badly when confronted with Certain Ideas, and if you are The Main Platform Where That Idea is Being Discussed, you cannot do NOTHING, because otherwise humans will continue behaving badly. ...

Because the problems are NOT about politics, or topics of discussion. They are about all the ways that humans misbehave when there are no immediately visible consequences, when talking to (essentially) strangers, and the endless ingenuity they display trying to get around rules.
“It was fortunate that so few men acted according to moral principle, because it was so easy to get principles wrong, and a determined person acting on mistaken principles could really do some damage." - Larissa MacFarquhar
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