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Old 04-13-2007, 10:06 PM   #4021
Hank Chinaski
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Originally posted by Adder
This is a bad example for your point. Environmental regulation targeting acid rain has required the capture of SO2 emissions from smelting and mining for more than two decades. The regs have not put smelters out of business nor, I believe, dramatically increased metal prices. Instead, the smelters now also sell sulfuric acid that they make out of the captured SO2.

This type of innovation, however, will never be applied to carbon emissions if we continue to decline any and all efforts to address the issue.
Translation: buying "green credits" to fund wind power while increasing overall consumption so that net effect is no reduction in coal burning WHILE making a movie about global warming is hypocricy in the extreme. the only thing dumber is buying a ticket to the movie.
I will not suffer a fool- but I do seem to read a lot of their posts
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Old 04-13-2007, 10:35 PM   #4022
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Back by Popular Demand: George and Me

Originally posted by Hank Chinaski
Translation: buying "green credits" to fund wind power while increasing overall consumption so that net effect is no reduction in coal burning WHILE making a movie about global warming is hypocricy in the extreme. the only thing dumber is buying a ticket to the movie.
Who bought a ticket to the movie?


Last edited by Adder; 04-13-2007 at 10:38 PM..
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Old 04-13-2007, 10:39 PM   #4023
Hank Chinaski
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Back by Popular Demand: George and Me

Originally posted by Adder
Who bought a ticket to the movie?
$5 says Ty did, but he'll claim is was just preparing for the Academy's.
I will not suffer a fool- but I do seem to read a lot of their posts
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Old 04-14-2007, 12:06 AM   #4024
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Originally posted by Hank Chinaski
not snotty Hank- what is weird about the story to me, is that docs needed to be enticed into San diego. I always thought those program were for South carolina or the Dakotas or Alaska- what was that show?
I went up to one of the attorneys who defended the hospital after the presentation and asked him whether or not they were able to present the San Diego County Medical Society's report on physician shortages. He said that the government did what they could to keep the report from being introduced at trial.

It was a widely disseminated report back when I was practicing law in California. I used to advise clients to move to other states with better reimbursement and lower cost of living all the time.
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Old 04-14-2007, 08:20 AM   #4025
Tyrone Slothrop
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Originally posted by Mmmm, Burger (C.J.)
We're right back where we were: you're using an example of a case in which a jury convicted and a judge did not set aside the verdict.
  • A U.S. attorney in Wisconsin who prosecuted a state Democratic official on corruption charges during last year's heated governor's race was once targeted for firing by the Department of Justice, but given a reprieve for reasons that remain unclear. A federal appeals court last week threw out the conviction of Wisconsin state worker Georgia Thompson, saying the evidence was "beyond thin."

    Congressional investigators looking into the firings of eight U.S. attorneys saw Wisconsin prosecutor Steven M. Biskupic's name on a list of lawyers targeted for removal when they were inspecting a Justice Department document not yet made public, according to an attorney for a lawmaker involved in the investigation. The attorney asked for anonymity because of the political sensitivity of the investigation.

“It was fortunate that so few men acted according to moral principle, because it was so easy to get principles wrong, and a determined person acting on mistaken principles could really do some damage." - Larissa MacFarquhar
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Old 04-14-2007, 02:42 PM   #4026
Mmmm, Burger (C.J.)
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Originally posted by Tyrone Slothrop
  • A U.S. attorney in Wisconsin who prosecuted a state Democratic official on corruption charges during last year's heated governor's race was once targeted for firing by the Department of Justice, but given a reprieve for reasons that remain unclear. A federal appeals court last week threw out the conviction of Wisconsin state worker Georgia Thompson, saying the evidence was "beyond thin."

    Congressional investigators looking into the firings of eight U.S. attorneys saw Wisconsin prosecutor Steven M. Biskupic's name on a list of lawyers targeted for removal when they were inspecting a Justice Department document not yet made public, according to an attorney for a lawmaker involved in the investigation. The attorney asked for anonymity because of the political sensitivity of the investigation.

The timing makes no sense. The indictment was brought in early 2006 and the conviction obtained in the June of 2006, sentencing in Sept. 2006. So if the case was directed by Rove et al. why would he still be pissed off in October of 2006 about Biskupic? The best you can say is he was pissed off at Biskupic long before, remembered to put him on a list in Oct. 2006, and then someone said "Hey, Karl, you realize he got a conviction against a Dem., right?" If Rove was "directing" this prosecution, then he's far more clueless than I suspect even you think he is.

[Dictated but not read]
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Old 04-14-2007, 04:11 PM   #4027
Hank Chinaski
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Originally posted by Mmmm, Burger (C.J.)
The timing makes no sense. The indictment was brought in early 2006 and the conviction obtained in the June of 2006, sentencing in Sept. 2006. So if the case was directed by Rove et al. why would he still be pissed off in October of 2006 about Biskupic? The best you can say is he was pissed off at Biskupic long before, remembered to put him on a list in Oct. 2006, and then someone said "Hey, Karl, you realize he got a conviction against a Dem., right?" If Rove was "directing" this prosecution, then he's far more clueless than I suspect even you think he is.

worse. the no-evidence case that the trial judge wouldn't throw out, where the prosecution got the conviction- Guess what? now it turns out the Prosecutor didn't believe in the case and was only pushing it to save his job. so an unmotivated Prosecutor was able to get the conviction.

This will be big indeed!
I will not suffer a fool- but I do seem to read a lot of their posts
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Old 04-14-2007, 04:11 PM   #4028
Tyrone Slothrop
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Originally posted by Mmmm, Burger (C.J.)
The timing makes no sense. The indictment was brought in early 2006 and the conviction obtained in the June of 2006, sentencing in Sept. 2006. So if the case was directed by Rove et al. why would he still be pissed off in October of 2006 about Biskupic? The best you can say is he was pissed off at Biskupic long before, remembered to put him on a list in Oct. 2006, and then someone said "Hey, Karl, you realize he got a conviction against a Dem., right?" If Rove was "directing" this prosecution, then he's far more clueless than I suspect even you think he is.

Sounds like a good point.

Apropos of this general issue, definitely read this article.
“It was fortunate that so few men acted according to moral principle, because it was so easy to get principles wrong, and a determined person acting on mistaken principles could really do some damage." - Larissa MacFarquhar
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Old 04-14-2007, 04:25 PM   #4029
Hank Chinaski
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Originally posted by Tyrone Slothrop
Sounds like a good point.

Apropos of this general issue, definitely read article.
this is one of the first things I've ever read here. thanks.

this part:
  • Perhaps this is due to there being a lower quality of political appointees in Republican administrations to begin with, given that, by and large, they give up more than Democrats do to enter government service, especially with the post-Watergate ethics restrictions that all government officials face.

I wonder if that's true. There was a point when a certain Senator was considering running for Prez. If he had won I would have had a good chance at something in the Patent Office.

If offered it today it would be a very big paycut, but I'd take it in a second. Although I saw the first guy under Bush I spend like a year there and left to be an expert witness 90% of the time- so the paycut is temporary.

Would other's here take a position?

  • This observation is nothing new, by the way; one need only look at the relative ages and experience levels of comparable appointees in successive administrations to see it. So when you enter the second term of a Republican administration, you get the worst of all possible worlds: You actually see some influential political appointees who are, to put it bluntly, too subject-matter ignorant to even realize how ignorant they are. (This is assuming that, if they knew, they'd actually care.)

I just quoted this part so everyone is sure to read it. It's sort of fun.
I will not suffer a fool- but I do seem to read a lot of their posts
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Old 04-15-2007, 09:52 AM   #4030
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How can you be smart enough to head fucking Goldman Sachs but so stupid that you ride in a GM SUV with no seat belts?

PS: short GM if you haven't already.
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Old 04-15-2007, 08:51 PM   #4031
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Originally posted by Hank Chinaski
this is one of the first things I've ever read here. thanks.
If offered it today it would be a very big paycut, but I'd take it in a second. Although I saw the first guy under Bush I spend like a year there and left to be an expert witness 90% of the time- so the paycut is temporary.
What do you think of him on the stand?

He'll probably be testifying for us within a month or so -- just curious. In my experience he's still very sharp at analyzing documents and writing a good report almost entirely on his own -- amazing for his age. But I wonder how he'll hold up on the stand.


P.S. I've thought about trying to switch to a DOJ career-track position many times -- even put in some apps a few years back. Choice gets harder to make as the kids grow (as does the salary cut).

I'm not politically active enough for an appointed position.
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Old 04-15-2007, 10:31 PM   #4032
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I used to tell creditor clients who were being sued by bankruptcy trustees to disgorge what are called "preferences" (payments made by the debtor shortly before the debtor's filing) that "In bankruptcy, everything is upside down. A creditor like you, who is entitled to what you received, gets sued. That's how it works."

They'd get really pissed. No matter how you explain it, everything being upside down seems fundamentally wrong and unfair.

I just watched the interview with those Duke Lacrosse players. To recap last week, a group of kids who were pretty much known to be innocent very early in an investigation were nevertheless prosecuted by a DA for political gain, and now, after they'd finally been exonerated, they're saying on "60 Minutes" that the DA should have the benefit of due process to determine if he was wrong and should lose his license, and that they think he deserves a fair chance to defend himself. And he will get a trial

In another interview, a group of women who were insulted by a radio personality admirably took the high road and accepted the apology of the old cretin. Their coach, who was possibly the only honest and helpful person to speak in the entire affair, said they didn't even seek to have him fired. This week, the old coot raised $1.6 million for cancer research. He was fired.

So the DA who did something atrocious and criminal gets due process. The disc jockey with the tin ear for the line where humor becomes offensive to some gets shitcanned summarily.

And the executioners? One anti-Semite who famously called Jews "hymies" and a total joke of a person who's barely worth comment. Neither man has ever held a job so far as I can discern from internet research. Two people who make their money dividing people.

The Duke and Rutgers kids are to be applauded. I was really shocked at the composure they showed. As to Jesse and Al, it's a terrible fact that none of the death threats made against them will be acted upon (most Americans being lazy), to the great detriment of decent people everywhere. As to Nifong, may he find himself flipping burgers this time next year. As to Imus, lets hope the dumbass learns some decency so he doesn't do this again when he gets back on the air.
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Old 04-15-2007, 11:35 PM   #4033
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Originally posted by sebastian_dangerfield
As to Nifong, may he find himself flipping burgers this time next year. As to Imus, lets hope the dumbass learns some decency so he doesn't do this again when he gets back on the air.
I think this sums it up nicely.

But seriously, you are angry at Al and Jesse for causing this asshole (and he has been an asshole for a long time) to suffer what is likely a temporary suspension in a long career that has already made him a rich man? And while Nifong has potentially permanently tarnished three kids for apparently not reason?
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Old 04-15-2007, 11:58 PM   #4034
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Originally posted by Adder
I think this sums it up nicely.

But seriously, you are angry at Al and Jesse for causing this asshole (and he has been an asshole for a long time) to suffer what is likely a temporary suspension in a long career that has already made him a rich man? And while Nifong has potentially permanently tarnished three kids for apparently not reason?
No, I'm angry at Al and Jesse for being worthless racists who make their money dividing people. Imus was a fool for what he said, but unless you have shit for brains, you recognize the context in which it was spoken was a poor - very poor - attempt at humor. Is it arguable Imus is a racist? Yes, but I don't think that's winnable. I think he's an idiot shock jock.

Jesse's never had a fucking job other than running around the country shaking down settlements out of companies by threatening to start litigation and PR attacks on them including allegations of discrimination. Al... well, he's funny and I actually think he's a hysterical interview, but he's a fucking criminal degenerate. These are opportunists of the worst stripe. It's hard to think of a person worse than one who'd make money by turning a dumb issue into a societal sore. Yes, I fully appreciate the irony in my saying that while I'm posting on the topic.

Nifong's just appalling. What he did is just fucking wrong. I stand corrected; he's worse than Al, Jesse and Don put together.

I don't think Imus is an asshole. He's doing the same thing Howard and Opie and Anthony do. The only difference is, he held himself out as some higher brow form of the medium. It is not insignificant in his demise that Imus was incorrectly thought to be a conservative by many of the people calling for his head.
All is for the best in the best of all possible worlds.

Last edited by sebastian_dangerfield; 04-16-2007 at 12:01 AM..
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Old 04-16-2007, 12:57 AM   #4035
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Originally posted by sebastian_dangerfield
No, I'm angry at Al and Jesse for being worthless racists who make their money dividing people. Imus was a fool for what he said, but unless you have shit for brains, you recognize the context in which it was spoken was a poor - very poor - attempt at humor. Is it arguable Imus is a racist? Yes, but I don't think that's winnable. I think he's an idiot shock jock.

Jesse's never had a fucking job other than running around the country shaking down settlements out of companies by threatening to start litigation and PR attacks on them including allegations of discrimination. Al... well, he's funny and I actually think he's a hysterical interview, but he's a fucking criminal degenerate. These are opportunists of the worst stripe. It's hard to think of a person worse than one who'd make money by turning a dumb issue into a societal sore. Yes, I fully appreciate the irony in my saying that while I'm posting on the topic.

Nifong's just appalling. What he did is just fucking wrong. I stand corrected; he's worse than Al, Jesse and Don put together.

I don't think Imus is an asshole. He's doing the same thing Howard and Opie and Anthony do. The only difference is, he held himself out as some higher brow form of the medium. It is not insignificant in his demise that Imus was incorrectly thought to be a conservative by many of the people calling for his head.
I pretty much agree with all of this.
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