Originally posted by Not Me
Seriously, the only way to return the manufacturing sector to what it was in the 1960's is to end free trade with Asia. Why should I subsidize the manufacturing sector (by paying artificially higher prices for my goods) just so people can make college graduate level salaries without having to go to college?
Response #1 Why should they subsidize lawyers and our bar association protection rackets? Why can't they hire whoever they want when they want a "legal" service? And you want to see subsidies that result in higher prices? Two words: medical malpractice. Who is making the money on that one again? And who typically makes the rules that allow it to happen?
Response #2 While I agree that it would be good if everybody were of above-average intelligence and education, I'm not sure how we could get that to happen.
Response #3 If you get a chance, please rent "How Green Was My Valley". It won academy awards and all that, so you might like it. If those jobs payed college-graduate level salaries, and all other things were equal, why exactly do you think college-graduates weren't flocking to them?
Some jobs don't require degrees, but it doesn't mean most people can or will willingly do them well. I've seen it before. The real world swallows smarmy college and law school grads like so much grass being munched by a farty cow. Even if the jobs do pay college-graduate salaries. You wanna see why some people make college graduate salaries without college degrees? Apply and find out some day. I double dog dare ya.